01: Lost Boy

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Everything blew in front of his face.

Everything seems to be blurry.

He was only a nine year old kid who knows nothing about this cruel world and who needs protection from it but it turns out the world is so cruel it turned its back from him.

Bright was shaking as he sobbed as he tries his best crawling out of the car but he can't moved his legs. It was as if he didn't even had one— He screamed for help as the rain pours down heavily, the young bright couldn't do anything but cry for help until the little energy left in his tiny shivering body slowly fades on to the cold breeze.

It was raining so bad at eleven o'clock when Mr. Metawin, received a call from a police officer saying "Good evening Mr Metawin, Im so sorry to bother late this night but your friend, Mr. Vachirawit just got into a car accident and unfortunately he and his wife did not make it. But their son, is on a critical condition right now at the hospital".

Wins' father drives as fast as he can despite the slippery road praying to all god there is that his best friends' son to be safe. He's too young to lost his family, the last thing he wants is for the child to experience what he had to when he was a child— He arrives at the hospital in his pajamas not caring about the stares and asked immediately about a child named Bright Vachirawit.

It took two days for Bright to be conscious, he slowly opened his eyes and was met by a bright color of white that almost hurt his vision "where am i?" he says weakly

"you're at the hospital P'bright" little win response as he stood right beside Brights' hospital bed. The younger insisted on leaving the elders side ever since he knew his P'bright was in a bad condition. "Huh?" bright was confused as he saw his Nong tearing up "Hey Winnie, stop crying" He softly says

"I- i thought y-you-" Win couldn't even finish his sentence he was so worried his only friend would go away like what his father told him about his P'brights' parents.

As a child they both have no idea what's going on but Bright hide his pain so his Nong wouldn't be worried. After the funeral, Bright and Win sat at the back of the car whilst Wins father told him that he's going to live with them starting on that day onwards. "Really dad? P'bright is going to live with us?" Win asks adorably, while grinning from ear to ear, he surely is a happy child. Bright only smiles at his Nong, from now on, it is his duty to protect his Nong from this cruel world.

They shared a room despite of the house being so huge due to Wins' insistence to share a room with his P'—They had different beds but sometimes when there are thunderstorms Bright would crawl into his Nongs' bed as the younger whimpers and shake in fear.

They would always play together and they were inseparable. Their bond was so strong that even in school they stick together despite of Bright being a year ahead of his Nong'Win.

They eventually grew up so fast and Brights now on his 6th grade and tomorrow's his Graduation Day which had his Nong pouting "How am i gonna go to school now P'bright?"

"What if they fight me?"

"How are you going to school?"

"Can't you wait for me?"

"P'bright is going to be high school next school year. What is win gonna do?"

"Hey, Winnie, im always here okay? I am not going away. Im still here and besides we will see each other always. Its just one year. bear with it okay? you will go to my high school anyway, be a good boy and no one will fight you and if they do, P'bright is always here". Bright says softly as he spoke with Win on his bed. Win is probably worried because he never made friends aside from Bright.

Bright graduated and is now currently in first year of high school, it was a bitch.

High school is definitely worth nothing but its fun. Bright learned a lot of things he shouldn't even learn, yet. He also made a few friends since he is quite known for his talent on music. He had girls and even boys writing to him love letters but none of them made him interested.

When Win graduated he was so excited for high school because finally he would be with Bright after a long year. Bright changed though, he's more quitter and busy with school but they still hangout until one day that summer, Bright requested for a separate room.

It kind of broke Wins' heart, he's not sure why but it hurts knowing that Bright is probably fed up by him. He doesn't know why it made his heart in pain; his thoughts were clouded by 'I wonder if P'bright hates me.'

Summer ended and Win can't wait for his first day in high school. He runs downstairs happily humming his favorite song Scrubb's Everything.

"Oh Win, You will take a ride with your P'bright. I bought him a motorcycle yesterday since he had been begging me" His father says giggling "Ai, dad im not" Bright says with his cheeks now flushed in embarrassment. "H-he has a motorcycle?" Win asks dumbfounded

"Yes, from now on Bright will be fetching you whenever you go." His father says and sips on his coffee "You two go now, its already seven a.m"

Bright starts the motorcycles' engine and started to wear his helmet while Win stood there, doing nothing. waiting for an instruction to be exact, he have never in his life tried riding a motorcycle. "What are you waiting for?" Bright asks between laughs, his Nong is so adorable looking at his motor so cutely

"I-i dont know how to r-

Win was taken a back when bright cuffs his face "I will put your helmet alright?"

Brights puts wins helmet and wins heart was pounding in his chest, he feels his cheeks heating and the way bright focuses on putting this head piece is so fascinating. "There you are. lets go"

Bright was enjoying the ride while Wins eyes was shut in fear "Bright p-please sl-slow down" Win says stuttering and bright obeyed immediately "Hey don't worry baby I got you".

I got you always.

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