05: Bad Habits

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Sophomore year was ecstatic at least for Win,
He has Bright on his side, they're happy and now he got offered to be an exchange student in California for the next school year. He was beyond excited upon hearing the news, the school administration called his father to deliver the good news.

He didn't know he'd make it, he really just loves studying and learning and praises too. At that same night, Win sneaked in to Brights' room and immediately jumped on to the older's arms, burying his face on brights' bear chest. They were quiet until bright began singing his favorite song Scrubb's Everything .

"I don't know, I just have you in my heart
I'll do everything,"

"I'll try every way
To make you feel warm in your heart with me"

"Your voice will always be my favorite song" Win says, face up staring into olders' eyes.

"Scrubbs' Everything is your favorite song silly" Bright says in response as they burst into fit of giggles

There was a silence before bright continues "Hey, baby.. I was thinking, you're gonna really accept the Cali offer?" He asks while playing with the youngers' hair. He damn well knows the answer to his stupid question but he kind of wished Win would say otherwise. "Yeah.. why, you dont want me to?" Win says as he sat on bed "No, no its just that.. i'll miss you" Bright says sincerely

"I'll miss you too but we can always call each other" Win says adorably as he rumbles on little things they could do which made bright even more smile, he can't fucking do it. Not seeing Win for a minute already feels horrible what more for a year? that would be torture but he stayed quiet and instead seize his little time with his baby.

Time flies so fast that it's summer again and that summer was probably the saddest summer in Brights' life. They had sex here and there and was nearly caught. They went to a mini island together. They just did everything, together and its driving Bright crazy as days of Wins' departure fast approach— One week before Win leaves Thailand, Bright did one thing that he never thought he'd regret forever.

He sneaked out that one night, to go out for a smoke, he's been itching to let those chemicals intoxicate him. He lost count how many cigarettes he had when an unfamiliar voice called out his name "Bright?" He turned his face uninterested before responding with

The girl seems to be from his school, she offers him a bottle of beer and he was about to decline "Oh come on, you know you need it. We need it" She says before chugging down the drink "Im Faye" she says while staring at the beautiful scenery before them but bright remained quiet. He wasn't really in the mood for a talk, he chugged down the drink in one go before turning on his heels "Im going now" he says but the girl, Faye asked him one question that had him stuck frozen on his place.

"Can't you really remember me? God this is horrible" she says between laughs "We hooked up once at Ohm's party. You.. well" she says bursting now in laughters that annoys the hell out of bright "and i did what?" He asks bluntly "You moaned your fucking brothers' name" She says in a flat tone, disappointment visible on her face despite the darkness. Bright was stuck on his place and before he even realized what he was doing he was ranging in pain, anger "What? cat got your tongue? And oh you even told me I was nothing like him. You're sick in the head! Didn't you know how bad i felt that night? I felt used" Faye says accompanied by a fake ass cry. Bright's tears was falling in anger before he speaks "You can tell everyone i moaned Wins' name, I could careless but let me tell you something, I love Win and i will never not even a single chance would look at anyone the way i looked at him. If you felt used, you should've known better". Bright spites before hopping on his motorcycle.

The next day, Win was occupied fixing his things and he has never seen Bright come out from his room since yesterday. His room is locked too and he's been avoiding everyone in the house. Maybe he's having one of those again.
Win was worried sick, he's leaving in like two days yet Bright wont even budged.

Two days later came, Win landed on California with his heart shattered in pieces. God, he really can't believe what just happened. Bright avoided him without his knowledge that Win saw everything that night, Win may have not seen it in person but what he saw was definitely real. Was he just one of Brights' collections? He can't believe he let Bright used him. He refused to believe everything but when that everything's truth fall right before your own eyes and you deny to recognize it, you're nothing but a fool. He hated himself so much.

AN:// Shameless plug i created a twitter fan account @/chocomilkkx_ lets be mutuals there if you guys want, i follow back. :))

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