15: Kitten in Jeju Island

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"You didn't told me this cost so much?!" Win was protesting because according to him the hotel price is too much for a two day stay in, little did he know Bright actually chose the best hotel in Jeju so they can have some better privacy. The ocean breeze feels so good too specially in the day, they have been hanging around by the sea shore right after lunch and did some activities too, like riding the boats for a mini tour around the Island, eating the best food in Jeju, and so many more. "Aah im really tired. I just wanna sleep" Win exclaims upon reaching their suite "Yeah you should really sleep" Bright says though there's no malicious intention in his response, somehow Win's cheeks are burning up

"Stop it"


"Don't play like you don't know"

"Baby what are you talking about? Oh my god, i was just saying you should get some rest? If there's someone who thinks about it a lot its not me and clearly its you who wants it"

Win won't object to that fact because he indeed loves and wants it but goddamn, can bright make him fucking rest? Its not like bright does it with one or two positions—Bright wants to do everything within minutes or hour and Win is crazy for that shit. It was around eight in the evening when Win woke up to a very beautiful sight; there sat Bright near the balcony visible to through the rooms window glass, a guitar on hand, peacefully strumming it and singing to one of his favorite old songs—  "I am lost without your love" ~ "life without you isn't worth the trouble of"

Win smiled at the sight, if he's going to spend the rest of his life like this, he wouldn't dare to ruin it. "Oh you're awake already"

"Im hungry"

"Let's go downstairs and have some dinner"

They ate tons of korean food and Win was absolutely in love with Kimchi whilst Bright wasn't fond of it, they also had a bonchon chicken along with shrimp pasta and Win of course didn't forgot to get two more lunch boxes of kimchi and kimchi stew. "Damn baby, chill. you might have an upset stomach" bright coos

Win's Point of View:

*ding* That was the sound of the elevator reaching our hotel room's floor right on the sixth floor, I was happily walking with my kimchi. I didn't even actually thought i'd like it so much but hey, everyone likes kimchi—Im just really convincing myself right now because im kind of sad that Bright doesn't like it "Aaah~ bed!" I murmured under my breath as i jumped on to the bed happily after dropping my kimchi on the table. "Aren't you coming to bed?" I asked Bright who stands beside the bed, his handsome face shines just as his name and looking from this angle I can certainly say i am the luckiest person on earth to have someone like him. It's not like you always meet someone in your life who's willing to take risks for so many times and through failure they're strengthened instead of weakened "How are you so beautiful like this?" Bright says huskily before hovering on top of me, my breath hitched as i felt his breathing just an inch or two from mine, I couldn't focus where to look so i stared instead to his eyes that holds the galaxies in my life.

"You're driving me crazy baby" He whispers on my right ear before his hands roam around my upper body parts, I felt as though my breathing stopped. I couldn't moved on my own thinking, it's like my body is having its own way "aah~" I moaned as he started to suck and bite my neck, I tilted my head a little bit to give him more access, allowing him to take control.

"I like it when you moan" He says before attacking my lips and his hands making its way inside my sweat shirt "Ah~" I moaned once again quietly—Our tongues fighting for dominance but in the end Brights' tongue won, My hands were around his neck, roaming from his biceps, his back and his nape. We detached our lips to catch our breath "You fine with this?" Bright asks softly and i could only nod whilst biting my lower lip, bright always have his ways when it comes to shutting me up and this one particular way is my favorite. He grabbed something from the night stand, I was expecting it to be the lubricant but i was wrong, It was a velvet rectangular box. 'fuck. bright and his surprises' I mentally cursed myself because goddamn the way we weren't even starting yet i'm so excited already. I was smiling like crazy "You wanna know what's inside?" i nodded like a fucking pet, Bright had this lustful eyes and insane smile that always drives me crazy "If you want it, you gotta do something for me, baby"

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