06: Stitches

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Life in California was definitely so different from Wins' life in Thailand. In California, he's one of the popular kids, after gaining the football and academe scholarships on South Side, he gained lots of friends too and he even changed everything about himself.

Change is not so bad.

After all, gaining some sort of recognition is what he truly deserves. The myth was true, beautiful people gets beautiful treatment. Win worked hard to gain a beautiful body and took a very good care of his skin. He stayed in california for three years and immediately got accepted into three biggest universities one at boston, at new york but he chose Londons' School Of Allied Medicine.

His family is quite rich so it wouldn't be a problem, his only problem is Bright. What if that asshole decides to study outside of thailand too?

Win still goes home to Thailand on his summer break but he and bright never exchange words. Brights reaction when he went home after his graduation was priceless, he is bigger than Bright physically in size, he maybe even better than him. Win gained a lot of hook ups too while in california, he even got an american girlfriend but they didn't last long because win still doesn't like girls.

Living alone was full of loneliness, he had to take care of himself and feed himself. As much as he hates it, California stitched him back together as whole and much tougher.

Moving in to London was horrible too, people were nice sure but the adjustment is so annoying. His neighbor Mew, happens to be from Thailand too and is currently on internship on London. They became friends and eventually went back home together too— "So you're not gonna tell me who's this guy holding a guitar hanged on your room?" Mew asks again for like the nth time already, "Its bright, my brother. now enough questions" Win says in response as he types away on his laptop browsing on the ticketing website for their flight back to thailand.

"When's good for you?" Win asks gaze still focused on the screen

"Anytime" Mew says before walking in to Wins kitchen to grab something to eat

"Let's book for tomorrow night. How's that?"

"Sure i guess"


"Ugh what took you so long P'mew?" Win says whinning "Lets checked in now, shall we?" Mew says

The flight was long and it was spend with silence. Win was unexpectedly over silent it almost gave Mew a headache. He's not used to this Win or maybe he's just tired but then...

"Hey mew? random thought, are you going home right away?" Win asks

"Yep. Its not like i wanna wonder around bangkok with a jet-lag, silly." Mew says while going through his phone "lets take a quick selfie" he says *click*

"Hmm. Okay then. I guess im going home to Bright" Win says almost disappointedly

"Why do you even hate your brother?" Mew asked out of curiosity

"We're not brothers okay. My parents adopted him when his parents died well because my dad and his dad are best friends. But now its more awkward? I mean we were close back then in primary school but things changed you know ever since high school when i got exchanged in Cali long story short, he just stopped talking to me and then when i got accepted into a fancy university in london to take medicine, he even got more quitter" Win explains as he let out a deep sigh on the end. Now mew knows why win would drop the subject about his brother,

"Well... If that's the case go home with me then. You can stay there for A DAY. and then go home the next day. Just chill out for a while at our house and i'll drive you to yours the next day. Is that okay?" Mew suggests with a convincing smile and of course how can Win deny a Mew Suppasits' suggestion? Never.

"Alright. Alright" Win says with a small smile

The moment they landed on Thailand, the two began chatting about how they missed their foods and specially the people of the country
"Aaa.. I miss this dirty air" Win jokes that cause both of them to laugh loudly, they're already outside waiting for Mews' brother to pick them up. And a black matte audi car pull up, revealing wins' most loved person, no other than his brother, Bright in his all glory.

Win was in complete shock "Why are you here?" He says pettily "to pick you up" bright says as he goes to grab Wins' luggage. "No. Im not going home" Win exclaims as he softly grabbed onto mews' bomber jacket "Uh.. he's actually coming home with me" Mew finally speaks up but of course the sassiness in Bright always comes out during the best times.

"The last time i checked, you're a friend. I am the brother and no he's not coming home to you because he is coming with me." Bright says as he grabs Wins' wrist to lead him to the car

"get.in." bright says whilst holding up the door for Win.

Bright knew win was coming home because Wins' friends Jj and ohm also from california who went back to thailand to study college kept in touch with win and told him wins coming home today.

He hates that Win lost a lot of weight too and don't get him started with that hot guy win was with— "who was that guy?" bright says breaking the silence but the younger ignored him.

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