13: The Lost Boys' Truth

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When Bright and win arrives home that same night they were welcomed with win's father along with a beautiful girl, some old man probably her father and Win knows them both too well. "Oh there they are, take a seat the both of you. This is Mr.Wapirawwit and his beautiful daughter, Sam." Wins' father introduced their visitors and if wins not only sam's friend he wouldn't know the other is very very uncomfortable "So we were talking about the new launch of the possible collaboration of our company later this year" his father says still trying to slice a piece of meat "we also talked about you and sam's engagement party" his father continues to which caused bright choking on his food "I-im sorry. Excuse me" bright excuses himself from the dining table

"You didn't told me you had two sons" Mr. Wapirawwit exclaims "your eldest really look like someone i know and not to mention your sons are both very attractive" he continues

"Ah that was Bright, he's a law major and he is my late best friend's son. You know Breem? The very owner of the VLC corp? that was his father"

"Oh really? You never mentioned that your company was the former iconic VLC corp?"

That caught Win's attention because he did not just heard that "Did you bought their company dad?" Win asks out of curiosity of course "Well.. something like that"

"Isn't Bright supposed to take it when he turned eighteen? And if im not mistaken according to the documents you were just his guardian and not his totally you know father father" Win says in response quite making a point to which Mr.Wapirawwit nods

"That reminds me, Breem got into a car accident right and he also had all of his properties named after his only son. Wait.. you did not bridge that didn't you?" Mr.Wapirawwit says, tone obviously mocking his father for a crime he committed.

Win knows that, his father is nothing but a evil greedy business men. He knew everything and he was just waiting for the time it all fell apart before his eyes. Is he afraid to go broke? not really. What scares him and haunts him on his sleep is the fact that he really lives off of something they dont own, they never owned in the first place.

As soon as Bright comes back to the table his father suddenly changes the topic and keeps on pushing the marriage talk "Our children's should really get engaged you know its gonna be all over thailand and it will risen the stock numbers imagine the curve flows of number it gives to the market Wapirawwit" His father says, smug face

"Uh.. excuse me but Dad isn't too early for that? I will be the talk in my university and you know i don't like that" Sam intervenes, his father looking at her before nodding "Right, you have a point sweetheart let's not push these kids to do that now and oh we have to go now too its quite late her mother would be waiting for us"


Once their visitors left Win stood up in his sit immediately marching inside the mansion only to be followed by his father

"What did you say back there surely made them change their minds. How many times do i need to tell you?! You have to marry her! Its the only way we can save our business!" Win's father yells at him and he's been always patient but not again the same damned issue

"That's what you always tell me! Im sick of hearing it! Is it my responsibility to save your wack of a company? I know everything Dad. I know what you did but i kept quiet.." Win says as his tears continuously falls "I know that you planned it all out, i know that its not our business too. It's Tito Breems' business" Win continues, he found out about his father stealing Brights' family's business when they died on that car accident when he was on 8th grade but later on when he came home from cali he overheard his father talking to a detective on their garden about the sixteen year old case "Don't you fucking deny it! I know you had it all planned and you were too guilty to let bright go so what you did was take him in and treat him as if you cherish him and did not just cause his parents death!" Win yelled back, tears unstoppable and his father left speechless "H-how

There was footsteps coming their way and Win wished he wasn't right because right there and then on the staircase is Bright running downstairs worried as he rush to Win's side "What is going on?"

"N-nothing. Win is just acting up again. Pl

"Stop lying dad. Tell him the truth. Don't even turn this topic upside down. He has to know or i'm telling him" Win says not breaking the eye contact with his father

AN:// haaa angst? soon. how would you feel if you were robbed by someone and specially the one you always seen as a family figure? that would really hurt

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