04: Cigarettes After Sex

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AN:// The picture above will help you visualize whatever goes on with brightwin in this chapter lmfao. Anyways, this chapter contains mature content. I apologize beforehand if its not written well, I will rewrite or will do revision once all chapters are done. hihi thanks 🙏

Win and Bright spend their summer together.
They were unusually close, one could say.
There was no talk about them aside from that one specific night when they sneaked out for the first time together as whatever they was or simply just as themselves. Bright was driving at just the right exact amount of speed, he plans to show Win his favorite place, his only calmer; the cliff.

Win was amazed by the view up from the cliff, he never thought he'd be into the woods and finding a water of river there and then a beautiful cliff. "Its so beautiful" He says in awe

"My view is beautiful too" Brights says cheekily


"You're my view. You're beautiful"

They held hands and talked about life before coming back to school as a sophomore and senior. Win was at that sadness, yet again but Bright knows him all too well. "Hey baby, what's bothering you?"

"Its just that.. you would only have two years left in high school and.. well i just don't want to be alone. I don't even know how will i face the school this year" Win says honestly still hesitant to look at Brights eyes.

"Don't stress about it okay? Im here. I will always be here, baby". He assures bright before pulling the younger closer into his arms

Nights like that went on for countless times until school year was opened again, they'd still sneak out at night or even after school. Call them rebels but they enjoyed each other's company, when they're together it's like they're in their own world and nothing mattered.


"Are you sure about this?" Bright asks nervously as Win strip his clothes in front of him, Win just turned eighteen last week and brought him to a lagoon he never even knew existed just somewhere in the woods—Win slowly went into the cold water not breaking their eye contact, Bright would be a fool if he were to deny the fact that Win is fucking nailing the sexy shit he has going on, Win is undeniably gorgeous in whatever he do.

Win stood in front of him, hands on Brights biceps, softly caressing them "I have an idea but its crazy" He admits

"You know i'd do anything crazy with you, baby" Bright says in a deep husky voice and he mentally cursed himself. 'is he really going to do it here?'

"Yeah? You think no one would catch us?" Win asked fear and excitement ranging inside him

"Oh baby, you know you like the idea of getting caught" Bright says before pulling in Win for a passionate yet lustful kiss, Win was a moaning mess when bright decided to pull him from his thighs and lifted him up for a better angle. Bright surely knows where to touch him right and kiss him better, their body fit in each others arms just right, almost as if made for each other. They pull away from each other to catch their breaths "You really want this baby?"

"Yes" Win moans

"Tell me how you want it. Tell me how much you want it, baby doll"

"I.. i want you. I want you inside me"

"Someone's getting brave. Show me how you do it your way".

It was hard to bounce on Brights' cock considering he was huge. He thought he prepared himself enough, he struggled to let the shaft in "you need help?" Bright asks between laughs before he pulls away only to bend the other on the old wooden stairs and slammed his manhood into Wins' hole which cause the younger to let out a gasp "ah~ w-wait.. don't move yet"

Bright distracted the younger by gliding his fingers on to his nipples accompanied by his biting and sucking on the youngers' neck, God bright was in ecstasy, they were both so lost in pleasure.

Bright began to move starting in a slow pace before finding the right pace causing the other to let out small moans "Let it out baby, let them know who you belong to" he commands which the younger obeys right away.

He was crying in pleasure and screaming brights' name endlessly, the pleasure is too much he had his eyes shut and he swears, he just found hi favorite personality in bright and his; When brights man handles him and he submits without hesitation knowing he is in a good hands.

"Y-yes, yes~ aah.. rig-right there, fuck!" Win says biting his lips but Bright stopped which caused him to paint his face in disappointment "w-why'd you stop?"

Bright pulled away and ..

"You wanna cum? Do you think you can climb up on this wooden stair case and ride me? hm?"

"Hell yes"

Win ride bright shamelessly in the weirdest position anyone could imagine while sitting just to hit his spot and maybe what send him over the edge is the fact that bright was choking him and dirty talks with him.

Sex with bright was a blessing in his life.

He explored a lot of things and he will never regret them.

It was already six in the afternoon when they both got done dressing up. Bright threw his bomber jacket at the younger "Wear it. You're gon' get cold" he says before sticking a cigarette between his lips

"Babe" Win calls out "Please quit smoking" he says in pout "Baby, you know i can't. Have yoy heard of Cigarettes after sex?" Bright says after puffing out a smoke in the air "It's a band right?" Win says and walks near bright but bright was quick to throw his cigarette on the ground.

"I will quit smoking for you" Bright says as he rests his arms on the youngers' waist "Remember when i told you, It sorts of calms my mind and mood? Well, you do that for me now. You're my addiction now" He says pulling even more closer Win on to his chest.

"Let's go home baby"

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