16: Back 2 Skool

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It was back to school and Saint has never let Win rest on thousands of his best friend's questions "Ew you're such a hoe what even happen to you? Is this what it looks like to date a CEO?"

"I swear to god, If you don't shut up! Also, its not like he's my sugar daddy or something" Win says as Saint teases him with their mini trip to jeju last weekend "I did not even say that wait.. do you have a daddy kink?!" Saint hollers in laughter "Oh my god no!!" Well that was half a lie and half the truth. They're on their way to their Laboratory class when Win's phone rung seeing the caller id, it was Mew he happily answered the call

"Hello?" Win says over the phone "Hey Win! Its Mew"

"Would you be free tonight? Me and my friends are going out tonight. You can invite Bright to come with you, if you want"

"Alright. Sure, I'll see you and gulfie!"

Win nudged his best friend who busies himself typing away on his phone "Saint are you free tonight? Let's go out, invite your architect" he says referring to Saint's long time boyfriend, Zee. "I can't babe, It's our anniversary tomorrow So.." judging from Saint's heated cheeks Win guessed his best friend is about to get showered with love, Win scrunched his nose "Ew you're such a hoe" he says mimicking the way Saint said it to him earlier before running for his life because Saint can be really physically abusive- he meant to say, his best friend can really fucking kill someone with just a slap.

"Come back here hoe!"

On the other hand, Bright waits patiently for his lover right just outside of Win's college department while holding the youngers' request a while ago which is a bobba drink, Win has been obsessed with milk teas and he barely even eats properly due to heavy school works, "Bright!" Win yells upon seeing his boyfriend "hey baby"

While they have been the talk of the school last week, no one has really bothered them ever since but that's what they taught—They made their way to the school's parking lot, hands intertwined and Win did not catch a glimpse of the other's black audi "Where's you ca-" Win did not even finished his sentence as he saw Bright's big bike "Come on" bright smiled "No way, where did you got this?"

"Since last semester? It arrived a little late though I thought i wouldn't be able to ride this lively with you" It was true, Bright ordered a limited edition big bike from Australia with his own savings, he wasn't really planning to drive cars but his uncle metawin, got the audi for his twenty first brithday. Win stands there still, Bright was reminded the first time they drove his first ever and old motorcycle back in high school "Its just like the old times, hold on to me tight" Win adjusted his helmet as he hoped on to the bike" taking a deep breath, he closes his eyes, and suddenly a waves of memories hits him, right, old times.

They went for a long rode trip only stopping by a mini restaurant where they ate thailand's best chicken barbecue "this fish sauce has to be the best!" Win exclaims "Oh right" Win munched on his rice, face puff from the food and Bright smiled at this sight "You're not busy right? I mean tonight?"

"Yes what is it?"

"Well, Mew and Gulfie invited us for a night out, the other guys will be there as well"

"Sure we both need some drinks"

(AN:// The night out was mentioned on the other book Hold Me Tight :P also boring chapter? pls dont hate me)

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