16: The Heart Wants What It Wants

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As the first semester ends, Win was doing okay to say the least Saint and his boyfriend Zee invited him for a get away but win just honestly wants a break; a break from everything.

Its been weeks and he still haven't catch a glimpse of Bright in the University, none of  bright's friends knows where he is and Win has been trying to contact him but it seems like thats impossible now.

As Win continues to sulk, Bright continues stressing out about their business, how the fuck is he going to run a business knowing he is just a graduating law student? His relatives flew out of no where when he got their company and if it weren't for the famous myth he would've believed them, people with money are being chased by the hungry and greedy.

Bright managed to keep a low profile on the university, he was able to complete all of his finals and the semester just ended, he is just focusing on his thesis papers. He figured out already his future plans, he would be focusing on the business more after graduating from college and will take the bar exam later on— "Sir, someone's on the lobby asking for you" His secretary calls out his attention "Sure let them come up to my office and also all of this paper works are done. Would you be able to finish the rest for tomorrow? Its only around five paper works i guess, I have to finish my thesis" His secretary agreed to his request.

The company is not that bad, its just the pile of works he decided to abandoned, he might not be able to be a Lawyer as soon as he wants to- "Bright.."

Bright lift his face only to see Win standing right in front of his desk "C-can we talk?"

"Sure" Bright quietly says, breath shortened at the tension, anxious as he pays attention to Win

"I came here to say I'm sorry and I.. Im not expecting you to forgive me but i just" there was a pause as Win bites the inner corner of his cheek, attempting to stop his breaking voice "I.. i just want you to know im truly sorry and i know you're going through a hard time and im sorry for everything. I know you can't forgive me now but b-bright, you were my first everything and everything else between us was real. I never lied about my feelings and If only i could do something i would, Im sorry for everything" Win finishes his sentence gazing on his white uniform slacks now crumpled due to his hands holding on to them tightly

"Who said i was mad?"


"Why are you saying sorry? You didn't even do anything. It wasn't your fault and don't be sorry. I was never angry at you" Bright speaks so calm and softly it soothed the anxiousness

"It hurts but its not like its what we wanted, I would never be mad" he stops

"I can never get mad at you"

That was it, that was the truth. He was in pain, does he feel hate towards the younger? No he can never do that, hell he'd be losing his mind if he does— "I can never get mad at someone who made me feel love and loved. I can never be mad at you and i hate that my heart wants no one but you"

"The heart wants what it wants baby"

Wins' ears perked upon hearing those words, the way it perfectly rolls on Bright's tongue, the way it almost felt like a dream "W-what?"

He was lost at words when Bright stood up all of a sudden before his tiny figure, eyes pierced through him before he was pulled into a very tight hug, making the elder vulnerable yet again. "I miss you so much"

"Please don't go away"

"Stay with me?"

AN:// Ending soooonnnn!!! 😔😔 do they have happy ending or no? hejshshhs

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