17: Realidrama

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As Bright and Win barely sees each other during the day, they also barely had time during the Night— It was already the last week of March and Win is just so glad medical term papers are all done, he doesn't have to deal with Saint anymore and he can finally sleep without feeling guilty just because he did not study for his majors, He would soon start his internship by June and he prays to god he got into St. Lukes, the best hospital in Bangkok together with his best friend of course, Saint.

Bright grew darker circles under his eyes, eye glasses grade growing thick from all the article reading he had to do, the thesis, the finals defense and all of the works he had to do— He barely gets a six hour sleep and today marks his last day of stress or so he thoughts. "Congratulations baby" Win greets the elder, as he pulled Bright close to his body "For?"

"Tomorrow's your graduation silly!"

Bright saw his well ironed long navy blue graduation gown, the barrette style cap with a golden design alongside with the university's logo hanged "You prepared everything?" Bright averted his gaze on the breakfast Win made for him, his pancake having a messy cute smiling face made up by a chocolate syrup "Well yeah. I can't buy you anything as of the moment, you know im broke" Win jokes well its true, he went broke after deciding to leave their mansion, Bright has been the one providing for him, who would've thought the one and only Win Metawin, supposedly heir of the Metawin Group Company would go broke? Its not a big deal to be honest, he hasn't done any huge adjustments aside from not having a huge amount of money in his bank account, not to mention, his own father practically abandoned him. His Ferrari was taken away, his atm's were cut off but he swears, with bright by his side, nothing's hard in life.

"I don't need anything baby, you're already my gift"

They both attended Mew's celebration together with some of his friends after Bright had his own mini celebration the night after his graduation. Though, Bright failed to get into the higher honor rolls, at least he is graduating from college.

He would soon face the reality of life but what's surprising with that when he have been dealing with it for months already?

Bright sighed heavily, how he wished he could just lay on his bed, play his favorite instruments and sing Win to sleep.


There are a lots of 'I wished' in his mind that will probably gonna stay that way "I missed my baby" Bright murmurs to himself as he finishes up signing all of the papers in his office, he realizes the lights outside were already off meaning everyone already went home, sighing heavily once again, he stood up finally, picking up his coat with his hand, his phone rings showing the caller id it reads

My lovely doctor Calling..

Bright: "Hello?"

Win: "Hey babe, Are you still in the office?"

Bright: "Yeah but i just finished everything, Im going home in a few minutes why?"

Win: "Well, I just finished my shift. Do you want to grab some dinner? We can eat on the resto near the hospital"

Bright smiled before agreeing to the younger's request, he smiled to himself, finally a stress reliever—After Graduating from law school, Bright really did go his way as he plans, managing the company while his lover takes his internship, Time flies so fast, Its already the month of august and Win's probably burning his brows by pleasing his seniors on the Hospital "Fuck im stuck on this traffic again" he curses and decided to sent Win a text message that he will probably be running late.

On the other hand, As Win waits for his boyfriend his attention was called by his senior, also a very known friend, Luke, ah no, Doctor Luke, The son of the very owner of the St Lukes Hospital "Hey" the tall doctor who happens to be very beautiful greets him, flashing a grin, his eyes were really pretty too, they've been friends since nursing school in london but since Win had to come back to Thailand due to some incidents he refused to talk about and mentioned, they weren't able to keep in touch, he wouldn't really want to keep in touch with someone like Luke but fate is so playful right? They met at just the exact moment, the other being a official licensed Doctor while Win is still finishing his medical course "Oh hey" he quietly greets back, tension arising on the air as the Doctor steps closer to his side

"Did you eat already? Let's have dinner"

"Can't, Im sorry. I already have plans with my boyfriend"

"Boyfriend? Ah right, that CEO?"


There's that silence and awkwardness; actually pretty awkward because well, they used to be something else before, not just friends friends. Luke was his run-to-forget type of person, if Win's being honest he still gets flustered not in embarrassment for whatever you call it but a mere embarrassment for he regrets them all, Luke is not stupid, he sees that but can you blame a man who can't moved on? Its been what? years? and yet he chose to comeback to Thailand not for career, not for whatever reason but for Win Metawin. Only for him to find out the other is already in a relationship with someone called Bright Vachirawit, the exact same name who caused Win to run into his embrace to forget the pain caused by the said person "You.. gave him another chance?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Win starts to get annoyed, every fucking day he gets to be alone with Luke, its always the same fucking topic about why he runs back to Bright and why did he left London without properly saying good bye. He doesn't even know how to feel anymore, his emotions are a mixed of anger, embarrassment and of course guilt—He felt luke grabbed his arm before he could even march away from him "Please, just talk to me Win"

"Luke please stop it" He says eyes not meeting the others piercing gaze, Luke tightened his grip "Let me go, it hurts"

"Out of all people, I really never wished to fall in love but you made me fall in love Win, but why can't you love me back the same way i do?"

"No. Fuck you! You don't love me! You know damn well why i left london. Youre lucky enough i did not told Mew about it! Let me fucking go!"

Unbeknownst to them, Bright saw everything but for some reason, Bright stood there not knowing what to do but he is so sure the moment he felt his blood boil is the exact same moment he decides to be crazy— Bright doesn't like himself getting mad and everyone who knows him too well doesn't like it either.

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