15: Paper Hearts

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Win was shattered and he almost felt like one of the dead leaves laying on the ground unnoticed and numb—His final weeks is fast approaching and everything Saint tries to do to make his best friend come to its senses, it won't just work. Everything he tried to make Win fully function again won't work and Saint decided its best to knock some senses into his best friend if he won't even come to his own senses. Saint had to contact one of the best comforter, Mew, win's best friend too.

As soon as Mew received the message, he immediately went to see Win, deciding its best to let the younger come out of his room, see the sun and how the world didn't fully end yet. "Win, Its Mew. Can you please come out right now?" Mew softly speaks as he knocks on the door, Win wasn't hesitant to come out, his eyes were blood shot from all the crying he had, dressed up in a polo shirt and messy hair. "I know what you're planning. Let's just get out of here"

The moment Win saw Mew's big bike he almost wanted to tear his self down, everything he sees reminds him of him.
Every single corner in the mansion screams their memories, he sniffed as he hoped in to Mew's big bike. He just wants to get away from that filthy house and never come back again.

Mew drives so fast seeing the road clear and not full of cars, as soon as they reached Bangkok's main street, they were welcomed with a traffic but not until

"Holy shit!" the man outside his car exclaims as his head was nearly cut off by Mew's bike speed, He immediately stopped on his track hitting the break as soon as possible "What the fuck were you thinking?! asshole!" Mew heard the young man yells and when he walks closer



Mew scanned Gulf's face searching for any possible bruises but the younger seemed to be busy checking out Win.

Win has to make sure the younger wasn't harmed but Mew already dragged him back to the bike saying it was nothing.

They weren't in a rush though, Mew just acted kind of indifferent and unusual. When they reached the Mall, Mew proceeds to tell him who was the guy back there "That was my ex" he says to which Win nods—Its awkward that they're in the mall, mew trying to cheer him the fuck up with tons of japanese foods.

Win opened up about his current situation, not fully detailed but he told his P' about bright and everything that's been going on.

Mew was the best person for advices, he gives comforts and though sometimes his words cuts like a knife, at least it wasn't a beautiful word full of lies. "I won't say you deserve to he hurting because i knew how much you have been hurting all these years but the least thing you could do is to ask for forgiveness. You never know, you might lost him forever and i know you wouldn't want him to go away just like that. Trust me, bright is waiting for you, he would've denied it but deep inside he is still waiting and you have to make things right soon because time is not always what we wait for, its the person"

Win's mind wanders to many different things, how he went wrong, how he wasn't fair and how he was always the one running away. He was maybe a coward but not anymore.

Win had to make things right and he will surely do that not in time but in a heartbeat.

AN:// Ending soon. I was planning to leave it like that lmao but do u want a happy ending shskhsjsh

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