10: Lie To Me

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"I know that you don't but if i ask you if you love me, i hope you'd li-li-lie, lie to me"

Bright has been practicing this song for a week and he thinks he got it already. He's still hurt about Win forgetting everything that night at the cliff.

On the other hand, Win can't stop thinking about yesterday. He just lied to bright in front of his face, without blinking. He fuckin lied about his feelings too.

He definitely was happy about bright being brutally honest to him and what did he fuckin do? Lie to him.

The fact that he's been stressing about it while being stress with med school is not helping either. One of this days he is either gonna go insane because of bright or med school. He let out a heavy sigh before closing his binder and book. "What the hell is up with you now?" Saint asks concerned

Saint had been seeing win sigh for the nth time already and he had enough. "Alright you know what, spill. If this is about Bright again I swear to god im going to -

"Its bright yes and what about it? its always about him. Im tired of it"

"Then fuckin tell him the truth!" Saint says out of stress because if he's being honest his best friend had never really stopped talking about Bright this and that.

"and why would i do that?"

"the fuck you mean why you doing that? well duh, first of all, you like him. ah no, you love him. second of all, i did not raise you to be a weak ass bitch. please step up. he even sucked your dick for the love of god!" Saint cried out lout before getting a smack in the head by Win "For crying out loud Saint! Goddamn it why do you have to remind me that cursed event!"

"Oh really? it was cursed? it was cursed?" Saint couldn't stop laughing at his friend's remark

"Saint please shut the fuck up!!"

"Hey baby!" Zee, Saint's long time boyfriend greets him to which Saint responded with "oh hey baby" so sweetly. Wins wanna puke "You see, if you weren't so far up your ass you would be getting your daily shower" Saint says emphasizing the word daily shower to which win responded sarcastically "Bitch do i need to remind you that we are medical students? we have to stay clean and of course i shower"

"Single life is so sad" Zee exclaims making Saint burst into laughters when suddenly

"Win!!!" Mike yells in the canteen

"What the hell is going on?"

"Bright is looking for you" Mike exclaims before leaving

"and how the hell am i supposed to find him?"


Bright: Im at the music room. see me now. i need to tell you something

Win: okay.  next time just text me
don't be makin Mike run around
screaming my name on the
medicine department

Brigh: ok.

Win absolutely hates Bright and his extra ass, he stood up in his sit and bid good bye to saint and zee which pays him not much attention since the two are so busy flirting. He hates it there—Win reached the music room and he heard Everything playing.

"Bright?" he calls


"What do you wanna say? im kind of on a rush i have a laboratory class in an hour"

"Go out with me."


"Go out with me baby."

AN:// Hello!! are you up for brightwin date shenanigans for the next chapter? or like date stuff and give it a slight smut? hajshsbs i need suggestions. uwu

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