17: Loveless

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It's been a week of Bright waking up to his favorite view in the world, sleeping next to his favorite person, living with his favorite everything. He slowly nudge the younger who sleeps soundly to wake him up for brunch— It all happened so fast but if you are certain about one thing in your life, why delay? That was Bright's principle in life. No matter how much it hurts him, if its Win Metawin, he would do everything in his will just to have him.

"Hey, baby wake up. Its already eleven in the morning we have to leave after" Bright softly says and was taken aback when he received a smack kiss on his cheek, Win has been doing that every morning, every night, and the younger's smile was his pill to take all the pain away but out of everything, Win, himself is his healing. "Good morning"

As soon as they finished eating their food, Bright already put away all the dishes whilst Win packs their things for their two day trip together in Jeju Island. It is indeed late for a trip considering the semestral break is coming to its end by the end of the week. "Leave the dishes to me. You take a shower first" Win says which caused Bright to be slightly startled "No its fin- actually, let's take a shower together" Bright says suggestively "W-what? Are you out of your mind?! That's unhygienic! Did you know you can possibly catch skin diseases from showering with another person?" Bright absolutely hates and loves it at the same time whenever the doctor in Win comes out "I can't even request for a sweet time. Its okay i understand." Bright says faking his sulking

"Don't pout"

"I am not"

"You are. Stop it. I won't fall for that cuteness. Also you almost broke my hips last night, aren't you tired at all? Where did you even get all that stamina?"

Its true, Bright won't let his ass rest and he is not complaining but god, was he so tired whenever they would do it. Bright is really monstrous in bed and Win would be lying if he says he doesn't like it rough and hard. That thought alone is enough to burn his cheeks in crimson red from the embarrassment, why was he thinking about it anyway?

"Why are you so red? Are you sick?" Bright stands closer to him, resting his palms on his forehead, checking his temperature perhaps but Win yanked Bright's hands so fast "Im not. Im just gonna go and change really quick, go take a shower already!"

They almost missed their flight due to the heavy traffic, If it weren't for Bright and his bright plans they wouldn't be really running late right now, a normal shower took an hour because the jack ass had him on his knees, worshiping the other's member. "This is your fault!" Win rolled his eyes at the elder before sitting down on his assigned sit "Its fine baby, at least we are here now plus, you'll enjoy more once we get there" Bright winked at him playfully only for Win to hit him on his biceps "Owwie, my muscles" Bright jokes "You don't even have one" Win bites and their whole flight together were spend with their silly bickering.

When they reached incheon airport, Win almost convinced his lover that they should just stay in Seoul however, bright is a sea person, he loves ocean and their beautiful sound of waves. "Im telling you, Seoul is so much better than Jeju plus we might meet some of bts members here or even blackpink!" Win exclaims showing his fan boy side "God, i almost forgot how you were so obsessed with so many artists but if you want to meet them, i can just set up a private party for you and your favorite artists"

"Such a show off, Who are you again? Ah right, CEO." Win loves to joke about his status now but its true, if win wants to meet lady gaga why not? Bright would pay tons of baht millions but kidding aside, though he is rich Win would surely decline such offer. Win is someone who wants to attain something through hard work and by hard work he meant through blood, sweat and tears.

They were fetched by a privately hired driver and the drive is way too long, they still have to travel by land to reach Jeju Island. "Are you sleepy?" Bright softly asks the younger who just yawned, Win nodded in agreement before placing his head on the elders' broad shoulder, attaching his hands to the others arms, clinging into bright is one of Win's favorite thing to do.

'Why are you so cute? my heart won't stop fluttering. Ever since then, my heart had always been this way.' Bright mentally cursed himself at that thought, he is smiling like an idiot as he observes the other—fast asleep on his shoulder, maybe bright would never get tired of Win. That's just so impossible.

AN:// heLp im getting a writer's block lol ?

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