03: Wild

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Win has been listening too much to Troye Sivan's song, a famous singer. His summer was spent fanboying over his idols like Troye Sivan, Ariana Grande and even Nicki Minaj. He really likes Lady Gaga too ever since, their songs just speaks what he couldn't; what he wished he could've— 'your driving me wild, wi-wild' Win sings with his earphones on as he opened his window to gaze at the stars.

Bright was star gazing too, if you wills that as a star gazing. He was on his bedrooms' window, sitting on his mini couch when he heard Wins' voice singing a song he have never heard before. It was a beautiful song, in his opinion, so he stood up in his sit and stuck his head out on the window only to see Win in his very glorious form. Is he even allowed to think of his brother like that?

He didn't battle with his mind as he was too busy staring at Wins' angelic face. He had been starving himself too much, he had lost too much weight, he miss wins cheeks; his cheekbones highlighted by the moonlight—his beauty even more evident to the other.

Win was wearing a long polo night gown that ends mid thighs, he was embracing the natural cold breeze, he missed bright and so he turned his gaze to the others' window right just beside his—only to find bright already staring at him, deep. "Oh my god! what are you doing there?" He asks still shocked at what he saw, his mind can't process what just happened. Did he really caught bright staring at him? "Nothing, just wanna star gaze i guess, you?" Bright casually says, shrugging off the fact that he was just caught staring like a pervert and now that it reminds him he can't stop himself from not looking at those milk-like legs. He hates his mind and eventually snapped out of it.

"Same. I went here to look at the stars. Aren't you composing?" Win asks as he removes his earphones.

"Nah. writers block? is that right? im having one of those. no inspiration." Bright says in response while he light a cigarette, the younger stares in horror "Are you smoking right now?! since when did you even start to smoke? god, that looks awful. exhaling unnecessary air which by the way will cause your lungs to be burnt. Did you know one stick is equivalent to 20% your life is at risk of having a lung cancer?" Win rumbles with disgust.

"Oh please shut up, i know that of course. but there are things.. i don't know how to handle and this stick right here? does that for me. Im not a bad person, you know that baby" Bright says but to his dismay win already went back inside but that's what he thought.

Win marches on to Brights' room and snatch his cigarette "teach me" Win says out of nowhere, their faces inches away and brights mind is going places.

"No. trust me you won't baby" He says before snatching back the cigarette and throwing it to his trashcan. "why not?" win asks curiously as he sat on Brights bed "baby, its bad for the health like you said" Bright says whilst sitting at the edge of his bed. There was a silence and a weird tension in the air.

Brights not wearing a shirt or anything on top. Wins' on his night gown. The things bright would do to him but can't— not until a pair of lips was attach to his. The next thing they knew they were messily kissing each other, gasping for air as they broke off the kiss.

"I.. im" Win stutters but before he could even say what he was supposed to say bright cut him off "shush, don't say anything baby. i have been holding back. you're driving me wild". Bright cuffs his cheek before diving in for another kiss, this time, slowly and full of passion.

Win can't digest what's happening at that moment, but at seventeen he feels like his Youth is worth it.

Bright can't believe all of this is happening in a span of minutes but he has no regrets. What could possibly go wrong? They're not brothers brothers.

It was definitely wild; at seventeen and eighteen they both had their first kiss.

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