Chapter- 3

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Fab 5 was gawking at someone..well not someone but something and that something was a building..Their jaws were dropped down and it could even touch the ground if some vampires from Twilight come and pulled it down..if its possible so..They haven't seen such a huge and at the same time a very gorgeous building..probably more gorgeous than their own Dad's companies..Which building is it..?

Alya ( gasped ): The Dreamland..

( Guys, if any of you guys who haven't seen this building before then let me tell you this is Marina Bay Sands Hotel of Singapore..I liked this building..its soo gorgeous so I took it as Dreamland..Imagine One should travel through a boat or ship to get there..)

Mukti ( shocked ): Am I standing in front of some Angel's home..?

Cabir ( in a trance ): Maybe, we will get to know once we enter..

Dhruv ( came into the world ): Chalo guys..Buddy..?

Manik was lost in his own world..He was having mixed kind of thoughts.." Why am I feeling She is around..Why do I feel like she is somewhere near me..What's wrong with you Manik..She is no one to just..just don't think about Her..She is a mere Nightmare for you.."

Manik was feeling that she was somewhere around him..He could still feel her but what he doesn't know is the person whom he just called his Nightmare is really going to be a dream come true for him soon, very soon..

Fab 5 entered Dreamland only to push their eyes off its sockets..

Front Reception

Way to Dreamland' staff area

Sweet section for guests

Food area for the owner ( inside the oval shape thing )

Canteen for staffs

Way to go upstairs

Way to Chairman's cabin and the Main Conference Room

Lobby near the Chairman's cabin and Conference Room

Fab 5 was following Nanz's P.A Mr. William once they got the permission to meet Nanz after checking with William as he is the one who keeps all the records of her visitors..

William took them to the conference room and waited at the door to open the door once Nanz comes at the entrance door..( It has a glass door )

They could just gape at the conference room too..This girl has got a fashion sense..A great freaking fashion sense..

Alya ( excitedly ): I just can't wait to see HER..

The next moment door was opened by William and Nanz entered..Hearing the 'click' sound Fab 5 turned back to get shocked as they were seeing Her..

( This is the way she dresses up..mind it..she is not Nandini Murthy and she is the Arrogant Diva of Paris so never compromises with her attires..She is bold like Fire..)

She was looking stunning..extremely gorgeous in that black gown which was reaching till knee in the front and till the floor at back, its backless too..She entered the conference room with a straight face with goggles on her eyes and came and moved the head chair backwards and stood there facing the 5 shocked people..

While Fab 5 was looking at her like they have seen some Alien..How come she is here ? How come they are seeing her after a long 6 years and 6 months..Wow..she did change..She used to be a ' behanji ' after all she was called like that..Space Academy always addressed others by looking their attires..Manik was literally ogling at her..She was wearing Short Dress..

MaNan- Falling for her..yet AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now