Chapter- 4

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In Malhotra's Mansion

Fab 5 were sitting around a table lost in deep thoughts...Everyone had their own thoughts and feelings..Manik was just thinking was it a dream that happened hours back while Mukti was shocked with a new bold Nandini, Alya was still jealous of her..Before it used to be for Manik and then used to get possessive for Dhruv and now the way Nandini dresses up, her attitude increased her jealousy..While Cabir was just waiting for the moment when he could see MaNan together again and Dhruv was just praying for that moment to happen as soon as possible and was also happy to see his old friend again in his life..

They have tried to reach their fathers to get out of Nanz's company but none of them were available, as they were gone for a business trip..Strange that each and everyone had meeting on the same day and with the same company, but they were not in a condition to think about it..So they decided to move according to their fathers' wish..

Next Morning..

It was 8 am and Fab 5 were already in the company as William has already warned them that if they don't come at 8 am sharp, then they wouldn't be taken as their employees anymore..There is no punishment but throwing out of the company is the only choice..So they couldn't sleep properly..

( This is the area where inner staffs are working..Fab 5 will also be working here..Everyone has got a table and a desk and its a huge hall where more than 300 staffs could be occupied..)

They 5 were sitting adjacent to each other so they can whisper, not talking cause its not allowed in Dreamland except during breaks and that too whispering is allowed..

Employee 1: Hey..New Employee..?

Manik got angry hearing the word employee..Oh come on, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth then how could he be called a mere employee..

Manik ( glared ): Yes, you got any problem..?

Employee 2: Chill, we were just trying to interact..

Manik ( pissed ): But I am not interested..

Employee 1: Okay then..don't..

Cabir ( smiled ): Hey..don't mind..He is in a bad mood..

Employee 1: Oh..its fine..By the way..Myself Ron..Ronald Hans..

Employee 2: And I am Nitin Sharma..

Cabir: Hey guys..I am Cabir..Thank God..I got an Indian here..Most of you guys are English or French..

Ron ( chuckled ): Because, it isn't easy to impress Mam..And most of the Indians who come here are faint hearted..

Nitin ( giggled ): Exactly, and working under Nanz Mam isn't an easy task..You need to be very careful..

Cabir ( surprised ): Is she that bad..?

Ron ( smiled ): Nah..she isn't..She is a perfectionist..and she expects everything to be perfect when it comes to work but some doesn't do it which will eventually throw them out of this company..

Nitin: Anyway, we all are lucky to work under her..

Cabir: Why..?

Ron ( shocked): What do you mean by why..? You are working under Paris' Diva..and that too the best Businesswoman of Paris..You can't get more lucky..

Dhruv ( perplexed ): Paris' Diva..?

Nitin: are..?

Dhruv ( smiled ): Dhruv..

Cabir( smiled ): We are friends, in fact all 5 of us are..

He showed Manik and MukLya too who were just sitting simply and pretending to play with their Mobiles but actually their ears were with Cabir.. :P

MaNan- Falling for her..yet AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now