Chapter- 5

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In Malhotra Mansion

Its been 5 days since the Fab 5 has started working in Dreamland. In all these days they could only receive shocks as Nandini Murthy whom they knew was just an imaginary role cause The Nanz whom they are seeing in the office is completely opposite to the latter. Is it possible for a person to change his/her character to this extent..? I don't think so, maybe a person could just act as someone else but the confidence and aura she carries tells them that it isn't an act or a play but it was real..The emotions that they see on her face weren't fake..Nandini Murthy was a sweet and traditional girl, she was beautiful but nobody noticed it except Manik Malhotra, we could at least believe that much about him..But she was not in a list of a rude or arrogant girls but here in Paris she was not in a list of sweet or innocent girls..Where does the actual Nandini fits then..? Maybe Fab 5 could get their answers soon..

At night

Fab 5 decided to party tonight as it was Friday and Saturdays are an off day for offices in Paris and so for Dreamland..

While Nandini had a hectic head-ache today, oh not a physical pain but a mental stress and that's ' to get her baby brother at home before 12 '..It was a routine for all the younger Dixits to enjoy on Fridays and Saturdays..Fridays nights should be with their Dad while on Saturdays, after Lunch, its Party day with friends for them..

But Ritesh had a bunch of friends, not brats but everyone had their own teenage problems- that is late night games..maybe car races, bike races, horse rides or shooting..and it goes on..Every adventurous stuffs will be done in the late night of Friday which Viren dislikes cause he is scared for Ritesh..What if his little son gets hurt in it so he doesn't allow for it but Ritesh is a naughty boy, but a very sweet baby..He likes to do adventures..He believes that life is too short to get scared of their death which would be approached to them only when God wishes..So he goes for such races without letting Viren knows about it but..but..only after his Di gives permission..She keeps minimum 15 guards in the race field to make sure no ruckus happens there..

Tonight was such a night, Ritesh has gone for the late night game while Nandini is on the way to get her baby ASAP before their Dad gets to know it..He always forgets that he needs to be at home before 2 am and she has to run and fetch him from the race area and get him on the bed as every night in between 2-3 am Viren wakes up to check on his kids as it was a routine for him after Chhavi's death..

Nandini's car got stopped near the race area and a boy of 18 years got inside the car to see a raging Nandini..Without listening to anything she started the car and zoomed off to roads..

Nandini ( sarcastically ): Care to explain this time Mr. Ritesh Dixit..?

Ritesh ( grinned ): I forgot..

Nandini ( glared ): Add 3 more words to it.." this time too "..

Ritesh ( smiled sheepishly ): Sorry na Di..I swear it won't..

Nandini ( glared ): Not a word Ritesh..I don't want to hear your fake " I swear " or " I promise "..

Ritesh ( baby face ): You know I love you..please Di..

Nandini ( got melted ): Huff..why do you even make such faces..

Ritesh ( grinned ): Cause I know you will get melt..

She slapped her forehead and then looked at him and both started laughing..But suddenly they saw a care coming from the opposite direction..

Nandini ( yelled ): What the hell..? Why are they coming from opposite direction..

Ritesh ( horrified ): Di, isn't the road One way..?

Nandini ( terrified ): Of course it is..

From nowhere the opposite car's speed got increased and it came towards their car..

MaNan- Falling for her..yet AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now