Chapter- 22

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In Dreamland

It was lunch break, and Fab 5 were having their lunch from the canteen. Manik was just staring at the entrance every now and then to see a glimpse of Nandini but seems like God wants to test his patience,today.

Mukti was drinking water when she saw a little girl waiting near to their adjacent table. She was a cute girl of 5-7 years old. She was checking her watch time to time with a cute sad pout on her face. Mukti smiled seeing that babyish face of the child. She frowned when she saw the girl growing more sad..She, immediately got up and walked towards the little girl's table..

Mukti ( cleared her throat ): Excuse me..?

The girl moved her gaze from the entrance to her left to see Mukti. She frowned since she didn't know Mukti.

Girl ( smiled ): Yes..

Mukti ( smiled ): Can I sit here..?

Girl ( smiled sweetly ): Sure, you can..

Mukti smiled back and occupied the seat, while Fab 4 were gaping at Mukti. She never behaved sweetly with anyone in this world. Even with her friends, she had that tomboy attitude since she believe that she could show her affection only through it..

Mukti ( hesitated ): Can I ask you something..?

Girl ( nodded ): Yeah..

Mukti ( frowned ): Why are you sitting alone..? You look a bit sad too..

Girl ( surprised ): How did you..?

Mukti ( smiled ): Your face is an open book. I could find sadness in it..

Girl ( pouted ): Di hasn't arrived,yet..

Mukti ( confused ): Di..?

Girl ( smiled ): Yeah, Di told me that she would come and see me during Lunch break, but it seems like she is busy..

Mukti ( smiled ): Oh, its okay..Maybe, she really got busy with her work, or else why would she forget such a cute girl is waiting for her..

The girl smiled brightly which did bring smile on Mukti's face..

Mukti ( smiled ): Between, what's your name..?

Girl ( smiled ): Emily, Emily Winton..

Mukti ( smiled ): You have a beautiful name..

Emily ( smiled ): Thank you..How about yours..?

Mukti ( smiled ): Mukti, Mukti Vardhan..

Emily ( cutely ): As sweet as you..

Mukti giggled hearing that little girl's comment for her name..

They kept on talking. Mukti nearly forgot her lunch. She was finding peace while talking with that little girl..Soon, Emily's attention turned towards a spot..

Emily ( grinned ): There, she is..

Mukti followed her gaze and spotted Nandini coming towards their table with a smile on her face, for Emily. Soon, Nandini frowned seeing Mukti on the table. Emily got up and ran towards Nandini and hugged her by waist making her smile widely. Nandini bent and kissed her forehead..

Emily ( pouted ): Why were you late..?

Nandini ( pouted ): Sorry, I was busy..

Emily ( seriously ): Hmm, its okay..I forgive you..

They both giggled and moved to the table to see Mukti staring at them in surprise..

Nandini ( frowned ): Mukti, you're here..

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