Chapter- 31

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In Dreamland

Nandini and Mnaik have reached dreamland before 10 a.m. and they both departed to their own work place without making any eye contact with each other.

Nandini opened her cabin's door only to get shock..She stood with widened eyes as she didn't expect them this soon, not before 10 at least..

Nandini ( composed herself ): Dad..Pops..aap log yaa..

She entered her cabin and closed the door and walked towards the men and hugged each of them..

Viren: Kyu..? Cab't we come to your cabin..?

Nandini: Dad..stop being dramatic..

Raj ( chuckled ): You know its his birth right to be dramatic, Love..

Nandini smiled..

Nandini: Okay, so gadha called me in the morning and told me that you guys got something important to talk regarding Sona and Dev's marriage..Is everything fine, Dad..?

Viren ( smiled ): Of course, doll. Everything is fine..Its just, Mr. Bose asked us to fix the marriage date according to our wish as he doesn't believe in this Pandit thing..

Nandini ( nodded ): Sona has told us once, that her father believes in God but not in the rituals like Poojas and all stuffs. He isn't so good with priests..

Raj: Exactly, since the marriage should happen according to the dates fixed by pandits, he asked us to do it..Ravi is gonna bring everyone over here including Pandit because none of us are free to sit at home..

Nandini nodded in understanding. All of them will have to take leave soon for the marriage so it wouldn't be possible for them to take leave for before Marriage rituals..

Soon, everyone were assembled in Nandini's cabin, including Fab 5 too..Sid went and stood beside Nandini and kept his hand around her shoulder..

Sid ( smirked ): So, how was the night, Kameeni..?

Nandini got shocked and looked around to see everyone indulged in their talks, except her friends..?

Dev ( frowned ): What night..?

Nandini ( glared ): Gadhe, chup kar..sab hai yaha..

Sid: Haa tho mein kisise dartha kya..?

Soha ( annoyed ): Dev Bhai, just leave them. It would be something stupid..

Sid ( sarcastically ): Yeah, spending a night with your Love would be really stupid for you, after all you spend most of your nights with Arya..

Arya ( glared ): Oh hello, we never crossed our limits, in fact we still didn't complete our last base..

Soha hid her fact in Aryamann's chest to hided her blush..

Dev ( irritated ): Hang on, why is Sid telling this now..? What does it has got to do with Nandu, she is still single, all she had was feelings for Manik then how co...

Nandini palmed her face in embarrassment while others looked shocked for a moment and turned to Nandini and she was busy in giving nervous smiles to them..

M3: Explanations, Miss Dixit..?

Nandini ( sighed ): Okay fine, actually Manik got drunk so I helped him to get back to his Mansion and then I couldn't leave him in such a condition. I made him sleep there and I too slept in Malhotra Mansion..

Dev ( frowned ): Where you slept..?

Nandini ( grinned ): With Manik..

" What " they got shocked..

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