Chapter- 17

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In Dreamland

Fab 5 and Navya were sitting in front of the reception as it was time to leave Dreamland after working hours which is till 6 p.m. Raj has asked them to join Nandini to Dixit's Palace as he wanted them to meet someone..Navya accompanied Fab 5 so that she could see Dreamland..

Alya ( tired ): I am dead tired..Who is that guy Raj uncle wanted to introduce us to..?

Mukti ( sighed ): God knows..I just wanted to crash on my bed..

Navya ( admired ): Cabir, I seriously can't stop gawking at this building..Its rally beautiful..

The boys smiled at her..

Cabir: Indeed, your friend is very talented..

Navya smiled at him while the girls just ignored the comments..Dhruv noticed Manik who was glancing at a particular direction every now and then..He followed Manik's gaze and saw it was a guy whom he was staring at..

Dhruv ( confused ): Buddy, why are you staring at that guy..?

Manik who was busy in staring at the guy turned to Dhruv..Others too turned towards the duo..

Manik ( sighed ): Patha nahi buddy..that guy..he..he looks familiar..

Others frowned at him, they too started staring at the guy who was reading a newspaper..He wasn't aware of these many gazes..

Cabir ( scratched his head ): Why do I feel the same thing..?

Dhruv ( surprised ): Honestly, I feel the same now..

Manik looked at them in surprise..

Mukti ( frowned ): I have never seen him..

Alya ( nodded ): Neither me..

Navya was just staring at that guy..She felt some connection with him..She felt mixed feelings after seeing him..He was looking familiar to someone she knows..

Navya ( called out ): Cabir..I don't know why, but I feel like..I have seen him somewhere..Like I know him..

Fab 5 looked at her in surprise..

Cabir: Well, then he is someone known to us..How can 4 of us feel the same thing for an unknown guy..

They were still staring at that guy and trying to recall where did they see him, when they saw an old lady occupying a seat near to him..

The Guy's POV

I am so happy to come back in Paris..I really missed it..One more thing to be happy is I am going to join our hospital soon..Wow..My dream is getting completed..I always wanted to be a doctor and see now I have completed my dream..Now I am here to meet her, the most special person in my life with my Mom..She is my life, if I am someone in my life then its because of her..I know she will be surprised to see me here as I didn't tell her about my come back..Surely, she would twist my ears for doing it but at the same moment one hug and a forehead kiss from her will soothe all my worries and sadness, actually I don't have sadness whenever she is around..

End of The Guy's POV

The old lady was looking pissed..She was even mumbling something in her sweet voice..The guy was noticing everything.." tring " " tring " ..It was the old Lady's mobile..She answered the call..

Old Lady: Where are you Manuel..?

Old Lady: I am waiting for you..I am seriously angry at you..I just can't walk anymore, so come inside and pick me up once you reach here by the boat..

Old Lady: Fine..Bye..

She cut the phone and sat with a sigh..The guy and Fab 5+Navya could hear only her part of conversation..

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