Mind, Brain

15 1 0


stop, please, i beg you
i don't understand how you take over
you're toxic
you're a disease that is incurable
you never stop going and it only gets worse by the day
i hate you
you're in control
you're the master and i'm the puppet
why can't you see how much you torture me
is it fun to see me in pain??
you send waves of weight and pain to my heart
leaving me to ache
you fill my thoughts with insufferable feelings
i cant shake this distress
i'm walking in my own grave everyday because of you
most of the time i don't even want to be alive
that's what you do to me
you grasp every bad thing and turn away the good
loneliness and sadness take over
a terrible feeling blossoms in my chest
the oxygen has began to circulate slower in my lungs
i can barely breathe
panic, rage, and hurt begin to surface
please stop this
i beg you
don't take all the happiness away
the pinch of hope i have left
don't bring the memories back that i try so hard to obliterate
you make me want to push away everyone
you make me want to be around anyone
all emotions at the same time
you leave me confused and in agony
put an end to this or put an end to me
you make me not care, about anything
i just sit, think, and misery takes over
i am drained

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