at first glance

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-Oliver's POV:

When Queen Consolidated was robbed we had to look into it some more. during the investigation a very young man walked in, he looked to be only a teenager. When he walked in he stated that the robbery consisted of only one guy who broke in.

"who are you?" detective lance asked the handsome young man standing in front of me.

"And where are you parents?" I asked jokingly.

"my name is Barry Allen, I work for the central city police department. I came to help you with your case." Barry said smiling.

I could tell he was way too smart for his own good, he started talking some science stuff that none of us could understand except for felicity. According to him the guy who robbed us was only one very strong man. which seemed nearly impossible, but his theory made sense with all the evidence.

later we headed back to my company building to talk about it in more detail. Then Barry came in out of nowhere asking where he could set up his equipment. he was a very funny and nice man. It was hard to believe that someone could be as happy as he was.

as the day went by he found more clues leading to who robbed my company, but I already knew what was going on. I saw it once before, when I was on le-on-yu. It was a sensitive that gave people maxed strength. I got hurt trying to find them, and then told Diggle and Felicity all that I knew.

Even though we hadn't solved the mystery completely, we still decided to go through with the part i was throwing for my mother. Felicity asked Barry to come but when I confronted him about who he really was, i was wrong. So he left, and we continued to go to the party. although I knew he was upset at my for what I did, I still called Barry and influenced him to come. when he walked through that door, i couldn't hold back my smile. He was so handsome. I starred at him for a good minute and a half. looking at his amazing smile, his face structure, and how good he looked in that black tux. He looked so young but at the same time so mature.

Felicity noticed and told me, "go ask him to dance."

I walked over to him standing in the doorway of the main room.

"Hey Barry, sorry for earlier" I said, "would you like to dance?" I held out my hand hoping for him to say yes.

"sure" he said smiling, then grabbed my hand.

we made our way to the dance floor. I looked into his amazing eyes as he said, "I don't really know how to dance." he smiled as we swayed in the middle of the room. there wasn't many people there so I wasn't worried about this getting to the press.

"it's okay, just follow my lead." I whispered.

"You threw a great party for your mother although, it sucks that hardly anyone showed up," Barry said as we danced, "you're a good son."

at that the music stopped, and we stopped dancing and headed near the bar where my mother was. she was drinking a bottle of wine, watching me and Barry.

"who might you be young man?" my mother questioned Barry.

"Hello Mrs. Queen, I'm Barry Allen," Barry said shaking my mother's hand.

"Please, anyone who puts a smile on my son's face like you did can call me Moira."

Thea came over to talk to us, "who's your boyfriend Ollie?" she joked.

Barry stepped in, "No, we aren't dating, I'm not gay." Barry said defendant.

I would be lying to myself to say that I wasn't upset by the fact that Barry wasn't gay. After all it was only a dance. Then Barry's phone rang, it was his boss. turned out he was lying to his boss telling him he had food poisoning, and his boss figured out it was a lie.

"Sorry, I have to go, my boss found out I was lying and I have to head back to central city if I still want to have a job." Barry explained.

"Well it was nice meeting you Barry." My mother said, then her and Thea left the room.

"It was nice to meet you Barry Allen," I said with a smile.

"It was nice to meet you too Oliver Queen." Barry smiled and it looked like he blushed a little.

Then he left to go get his things together and catch the next train to Central City.

"I hope to see you soon Barry." I thought to my self as he left the house.

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