leaving so soon?

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"Barry, we need yours and olivers help." Felicty's scared voice said into the phone.

"Why whats going on?" I asked worriedly.

"We just need some help on a case, we cant crack it without Oliver."

"Felicity you had me worried that you were in real danger right now." I said relieved.

"If we dont stop these guys, we just might be." She explained, "just get down here when you can."

Then she hung up, and Ollie came back into the kitchen with only a towel around his waist, "what was that all about?" He asked.

"It was Felicity, they want our help on a case." I explained.

"I dont know Bear, if its just one case i think they can handle it."

"Ollie, she sounded panicked on the phone," i explained, "plus don't you miss it? Running around saving people? It was your life for the longest time."

"I mean sure, but we're happy here babe." Oliver said, "lets just go out, buy a movie, and the things we need for the caserole, okay?"

"Alright, but you need to get dressed first." I laughed. 

As Ollie went to go get dressed my phone rang, it was Cisco.

"He Cisco, what's up?" I answered.

"Barry i know you're happy and everything with Oliver, but there's a meta here claiming that someone wants you dead!" Cisco yelled into the phone panicked.

"Wait what?" I asked

"You might want to get over here!"

"Okay, just give me a few minutes, I need to talk to Oliver." I explained.

I hung up the phone and looked over at Ollie who was standing in the bedroom doorway, this time fully clothed.

"Ollie, I have to go help them." I said saddened, "there's someone who wants me dead and is going to kill innocent people to get to me."

I walked over to Ollie, "babe, it's okay, you can go and I'll go get the groceries and buy the movie" he said, "just be careful."

Then I sped my way over to Star Labs, it took me about 10 minutes to get there with my speed.

When I got there I went straight to StarLabs, where Cisco, Joe, and Iris were all waiting for me in the cortex.

Zooming in through the front door, Iris came and hugged me, shortly after Joe did too.

"Sorry to ruin your life with Oliver like this Bear" Joe said

"No no, it's fine, lets just catch this guy." I said grabing the railing of the desk in the middle of the cortex.

"There's not much we know about this guy, just that he has an immense anount of strength and is claiming that someone named "zoom?" Wants you dead." Iris explained.

Looking around i noticed we were short a person, "where's kaitlyn?"

"After the singularity, she left and joined mercury labs, she can't work in Team Flash with Ronnie now gone again."

It was my fault Ronnie was gone, everyone was paying for my mistakes. "Look i have to call Ollie quick, lets see what else we can get on this guy".

Walking off into the room with the treadmill i called Oliver.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I heard Ollie say from the other side of the phone.

"Just calling, I might be late to the dinner tonight, we don't know who this guy is, i don't even know if we can stop him." I explained worriedly.

"Look babe, I'm going to head over there, and try to help you guys out a bit okay?" Ollie said.

"Okay, maybe i can speed over there quick, help you pack up some things?" I asked.

"That would be nice love." He said, "I'll get started right now, I'll see you in a bit, love you."

Then he hung up, putting my phone in my pocket i felt horrible. All Ollie wanted to do was have a normal life, and now I'm dragging him all the way over here anx doing the exact opposite of that.

I walked out of the room, and back into the cortex. Where i saw a random guy talking to Cisco. "Who the hell is this?" I said loudly.

"My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger." Jay said to me.

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