Flash Day Event

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Oliver's POV:

I was at the event wondering if Barry was going to make an appearance or not. In the audience I stood next to Iris and Martin Stein. Then the mayor called out for Barry, land he raced up onto the stage. He earned the key to the city, and he deserved it too. I thought about asking him to come with me for a nice, much needed, break. I'd take him to a place called Ivy Town. I had Diggle to take my place as the Arrow that way I could have a life. I knew that now was as good as time as ever to do so. Central City was secure as far as I knew, most of the bad metas were in custody. I knew Welles, well Thawne, wasn't a problem anymore too.

As Barry gave a speech, I searched the crowd. To my surprise, I saw my ex, Samantha Clayton, she was with a young boy. I assumed he was her son. I walked over to her to say hello, when I got there she was surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here Oliver?" She asked me, her son hidden behind her with a Flash action figure in his hand.

"I just wanted to say hello, it's been awhile." I stated, "Who's this?"

She looked at the young boy hidden behind her, "This is William, he's my son."

"Your son?" I asked, "May I ask who the father is?" I asked. He looked to be about ten years old, which was about how long ago his mother and I were together.

she looked down at William, "William how about you go get some cotton candy while I talk to Oliver." she said giving him ten dollars.

Once he left to go get a snack Samantha and I talked, "You're the father Oliver," she explained, "your mother paid me to tell you I lost he baby, so I left to Central City and raised William there."

I was surprised to hear that my mother would do that, just another thing to add to the list of bad things she'd done. "Oh, I see." I said in shock.

Then Barry sped off of the stage to go change back into his normal clothes. "Is it possible that I could have a relationship with William?" I asked.

"Sure Oliver, but if he asks your my good friend, and you can't tell anyone." she said.

"Samantha, I'm seeing someone right now, I can't keep this from him." I explained.

"If you want to have a relationship with William that's exactly what you'll do." she demanded.

"Fine I'll do it." I said.

I'm sorry Barry, I'm going to have to lie to you for a while. I thought to myself. Then William came back

"William, this is mommy's friend, he'll be coming over this weekend to hang out with us, is that okay?" Samantha said to William who was quietly eating his cone of cotton candy.

He nodded then Barry came by. "Hey babe, who's this?" Barry said once he was by my side.

"This is just an old friend of mine and her kid." I explained.

"Friend or friend" Barry said emphasizing the second friend implying he thinks Sam was my ex. which she is, but Barry couldn't know that.

"She's just a friend Barry, never anything more." I laughed.

"I'm Barry." Bear said reaching out his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Barry, now we have to go." Sam said grabbing William's shoulder. Then they walked off.

Barry's POV:

After the speech I went to go talk to Oliver, I was surprised to see him talking to a woman from his past. I didn't even know Oliver could only be friends with a girl before the gambit. She seemed nice though. As the mayor gave a speech about the flash Ollie and I went to go get some snacks, we were holding hands on our way over and we got some disapproving looks from some people. One guy even called us disgusting fags. but once he did Ollie just held me close to him and whispered to me for me to just ignore them.

Once we got to a food cart I got 3 funnel cakes and Oliver got a hotdog, "I'm extremely jealous of you inability to get fat" Oliver whispered into my ear so no one else would hear.

"yeah well my inability also makes it so I can run to Star City whenever I please without it taking 13 hours." I teased.

Then we sat at a picnic table and ate our food, "So Bear, what if we got away for a while?" Oliver asked, "Like to a nice quiet town, just you and me?'

I really wanted to, but I didn't want to abandon the city. but I figured all the meta humans were dealt with at that point.

"Of course let's do it." I agreed.

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