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Barry's POV:

It was 6 months after Nanda Parbat, so far Central City and Start City has been quiet. After Nanda Parbat, Cisco, Caitlyn, Joe, Iris and I figured out the Welles wasn't who he said he was. He was way worse. He was the one who killed my mother, and he wasn't even the real Harrison Welles, he was Eobard Thawne. The night we stopped him a singularity formed, almost destroying the city. Ronnie and Eddie both died that night, and Thawne was erased from existence. Then I disbanded the team. I couldn't let anyone die because of my mistakes, much like when Oliver pushed me away seven months before.

That day was 'Flash Day' for the man who saved Central City, everyone here thought I was the one who stopped the singularity, but it wasn't me. Before the singularity ate up the face of the earth Ronnie and Stein flew into it and stopped it, that's how Ronnie died. He was the one who saved the City. I was just repairing the damage, fixing up local businesses, and fighting off metahumans on my own.

I was at work going over some cases when Iris walked in, "Hey bear, how you holding up?" she asked walking into the crime lab.

"look Iris, if you've come to talk me into making an appearance at this Flash Day even, then don't even bother, I'm not going." I explained.

"Barry the people just want to thank the man who saved the city." Iris pressured.

"Yeah well they can't okay?" I raised my voice, "you and I both know I'm not the one who did that." I implied.

Then she left, leaving a Flash Day flyer on my desk, "Just think about it okay?" she said leaving.

Oliver's POV:

After Nanda Parbat I was still trying to earn John's trust back, I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I had to. I couldn't blame him for being furious at me, I did kidnap his wife in front of his daughter. As the day went by I got a call from Barry's friend Iris.

"Hey Oliver, I know you and Barry haven't been talking much, but he could really use your help." Iris said on the other side of the phone call. "Ever since we stopped Thawne, he's been pushing everyone away, you're the only one I know who can get him back to his old self."

I listened as Iris talked about Barry, and all that's happened since Nanda Parbat. I never thought in a million years that Barry would carry that weight on his shoulders and push everyone away. I was worried about him. Truth be told, I did want to start a life with him, after all that time I had time to think about what I wanted. I wanted to spend time with Barry, and I wanted him to be my boyfriend.

"Oliver you still there?" Iris said. I zoned her out while I was thinking.

"Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can." I said into the phone, then hung up.

I decided to go over to see Thea to tell her I was leaving, once I got there I saw Malcom there talking to her.

"Hey Ollie," Thea said when I walked in the door.

"Hey speedy, why's he here?" I said looking at Malcom.

"HE was just leaving." Thea said loud enough for Malcom to hear, then he left so Thea and I could talk.

"So what's up, is it a slow day for Star City vigilantes?" Thea joked as we walked over to the couch in the loft.

"No actually, I just came by to tell you something." I said.

"Oh?" she paused, "Well I'm all ears, what is it?" she asked.

"I'm going to Central City for a while, and then probably going to go move somewhere with Barry if he's up for it." I explained, "I think I'm finally ready to be happy." I smiled at Thea hoping for her support.

"Well that sounds like a good plan Ollie, I think you should do it." she said, "I'm happy for you, have you asked Barry yet?"

I thought about how I'd go about asking him, I knew it wouldn't be easy, asking him to just leave his life behind being a Super hero, I just hopped he would yes.

Two days later: Oliver is in Central City but Barry doesn't know yet.

Barry's POV:

It was only a few hours before the Flash Day event, I didn't want to go, I knew everyone in the city wanted me to. I just couldn't bring myself to accept an award that I didn't deserve.

I was hanging out at Star Labs when i saw him. Oliver walked into the Cortex. I stood up from my chair and walked over to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Well Iris called me saying you haven't been acting like yourself, i figured I'd come by to see how you're doing." Oliver stated.

He came and took a seat at the desk in the middle of the cortex, then put his hand on my knee.

"Barry, you may not be the man who stopped that singularity six months ago." he paused, "but you are the man who helped keep this city safe from bank robbers, evil metas, and even found the man who killed your mother." Oliver stated.

Even with him showing up here, wanting to help me feel better, It wasn't working. I was the one responsible for Ronnie's death, I couldn't see how evil Thawne really was. If I had noticed who he really was, none of this would've happened. It was my fault all of that happened. I must've had the same look Oliver did seven months before when he pushed me away.

"Barry, just go to the event, you deserve this award for all that you've done for this city, even if you weren't the one who stopped the disaster." Ollie stated trying to get me to realize how much I've accomplished.

At that point I felt like I could make an appearance at the Flash day event, just to make sure nothing went wrong. I also would be doing myself, and everyone in the city a favor. I'd give them hope, and I'd give myself closure. At the point I knew I couldn't push everyone away any more.

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