starting off with a bang

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DISCLAIMER: I edited the last part, instead of Thea being kidnapped I changed it to Thea coming back from Vacation, and now Barry and Oliver are both in Star City. I changed this because I realized that Barry woke up in the beginning of season 3 of Arrow no season 2.

Barry's POV:

We walked to Oliver's friend Laurel's apartment which was a few miles away from the club.

"you know it'd be a lot faster to drive there, or even for me to run us there." I explained as Ollie and I walked holding hands.

"sure, it'd be faster, but I want to spend some quality time with you." Ollie said smiling.

As we walked we got some stares from disapproving people, but we weren't about to let that ruin our day.

We got to laurel's apartment, to our surprise she wasn't there. Oliver looked even more surprised than I did. There was a table filled with papers and bottles of alcohol.

"What happened while I was gone?" Oliver asked himself.

Oliver's POV:

The second I saw the bottles I knew something was wrong, Laurel seemed just fine when I left.

"Barry you have to speed us back to the Arrow cave." I said worriedly.

Then Barry picked me up and ran us back to the Arrow cave, we got there in a matter of seconds. Once we got there everyone was there talking, then shut up as soon as they saw us.

"What happened while I was at Central City?" I yelled.

right after I yelled I realized that I probably shouldn't have. Barry looked at me worriedly. "Ollie, are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine." I took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, but I have a feeling that something bad happened while I was gone." I said.

Felicity looked at Digg with a wondering face, then Digg nodded to Felicity. "It's Sara, she died." Felicity explained.

I felt my heart drop. I knew I shouldn't have left them. I knew leaving was a bad idea. This is what I get for trying to be happy. I thought to myself.

"Ollie this isn't your fault, you can't blame yourself!" Barry said trying to reassure me, "Let's go get some dinner okay?" He grabbed my hands and smiled at me.

He knew how to calm me down, he knew how to make me feel better. "Okay, we can go get dinner." I agreed.

I looked at Felicity, "Try to find whoever killed Sara, text me when you find something." I said.

I wanted to get justice for whoever did this to Sara, I had to get justice.

I brought Barry to a nice fancy restaurant in the heart of the city, we were having a good time until I heard something from outside. It was someone bombing the place. I immediately grabbed Barry and pulled him to the floor, hoping to save him. It didn't work, he was hit badly.

"Barry! Barry wake up!" I screamed, hoping he was okay.

I picked him up and started for the Arrow cave. Once I got there Digg, Felicity, and I started operating on him. we saved him, but his injuries were still bad. He was lucky to have speed healing.

In the matter of a few hours he woke up, but was still in an immense amount of pain. I was sitting beside him when he woke up.

"What happened?" He asked. I could hear the pain in his voice.

"Someone bombed the restaurant. You were hit pretty badly." I explained. "How many times are you going to almost die when I'm with you?" I joked.

I was still bleeding a bit, but I was fine. I knew that as long as Barry was in my life he was in danger. Even with his super speed, a lot of my enemies would be able to kill him. I couldn't lose him.

"I'll let you heal up, I'm going to go see Thea." I said.

Then I left, but I didn't call Thea, I wanted to find Sara's killer, and find whoever did this to me and Barry. Before I could leave, Felicity caught up to me.

"Oliver, you can't blame yourself." she said.

I did blame myself, it was all my fault. If I hadn't left Sara would have probably still been alive, Barry probably wouldn't have gotten hurt.

"It is my fault Felicity, if I hadn't left none of this would've happened." I said, "I can't be with him and be the arrow at the same time."

"Yes you can Oliver!" Felicity exclaimed. "He's the Flash, he can take care of himself, and you deserve to be happy after all those years of hell on lian-yu!"

I then left with my suit to go find who did all of this, who bombed the restaurant, who killed Sara. I had to find who was responsible.

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