Lightning Rod

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Barry's POV:

Ever since the party I couldn't stop thinking about Oliver, I was sad to have to leave. I began to wonder if I was just lying to myself, and I actually was gay. Did I have feelings for Oliver Queen?

As the weeks went by and I was just working easy cases in the slow days of being a CSI I kept thinking of Oliver, how hot he was, and how good he looked in that suit at the party. Even down to how good of a dancer he was.

I also managed to keep my mind busy in another way, the particle accelerator that S.T.A.R Labs built is finally being turned on today, Iris, whos practically my sister, and I were planning on going to S.T.A.R Labs tonight to see it be turned on. Sadly I didn't know if we were going to make it there since there was a shooting and Joe, Iris's dad, needed me to process some evidence.

"Barry you ready to go see these atom smashers, smashing?" Iris said walking into my lab.

"I don't know if we can make it to Star Labs, Joe needs me to process some evidence from a shooting that took place today." I said hovering over my computer.

"but seeing this thing turn on is like your dream!" she exclaimed "your sad, little, nerdy dream."

I rolled my eyes at that statement it's not just a sad dream. I thought to myself in frustration.

I then explained to her how important this accelerator was to history. How many advancements it could make it in life as we know it. It would bring in advancements in medicine, physics, technology, research. As I kept rambling on about how important the particle accelerator was she stopped me mid sentence.

"you have got to get yourself a girlfriend." she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

I moved away from her trying to get back to my work. I rolled my eyes knowing I didn't want a girlfriend... I wanted to have a boyfriend, I wanted to have Oliver be my boyfriend.

Then Joe walked in, "Honey leave him alone, he's working." he stated.

"Hi dad," iris said standing by my desk.

a few hours passed and I finally figured it out, the shooters were hiding out on a farm, I gave Joe a list of the three different farm they could be at, then it was off to Star Labs from there.

when iris and I got there Harrison Welles, the CEO of Star Labs, was talking about the accelerator and how many advancements it would make. Then out of nowhere someone came and stole Iris's laptop. the vigilante from Star City was there and was able to get it back for us, it was my first time actually seeing him face to face. He gave me the bag and practically flew away with a grappling hook. It was really cool seeing him in all his green clothing. I'm assuming it references that he spent a long time in a forest of some sort.

after that we figured it was best to head back for the night, Eddie Thawne, the new guy, arrested the mugger, and I got punched in the face by him when I tried to run after him.

later that night something happened with the particle accelerator, and caused a lightning storm, then I got hit by lighting.

Oliver's POV:

I had a case to run in Central City when I heard about the particle accelerator turning on I figured I'd come and check it out and take some pictures of Harrison Welles for Felicity, since I knew she adored the celebrity scientist. Then I saw Barry chasing after someone and figured that I'd help him out a bit and see his handsome face yet again. I got the bag that the mugger stole from Barry.

"Keep this safe, don't want it getting stolen again do you?" I said trying to hind my excitement of seeing Barry again.

"Thank you!" he hollered after me when I zipped away using my grappling hook.

A few hours later I heard a 911 call on the radio, "his name Is Barry Allen, he was struck by lightning."

It was about Barry, to my surprise. He was struck by lightning. I was so worried about him. "I have to make sure he's okay." I thought to myself. Then I got on my motorcycle and headed for Central City Hospital.

Disclaimer: sorry this part is sort of short I just didn't know what to add to it, next part will be out soon.

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