He's Awake

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Oliver's POV:

It's been 9 months since he was struck by lighting, I used to go see him every day until I got too busy dealing with Death Stroke. Then Felicity found out that Barry woke up, I was surprised that no one called me like I asked them to. Beside my surprise I wanted to get down to Central City as soon as I could so I could see Barry.

"Felicity, I have to go see him," I start explaining, "he's awake, and I haven't seen him for almost 8 months."

"Fine, but I'm going with you." Felicity demanded.

I rolled my eyes and willingly agreed to have Felicity come with. We got in the car, and Diggle drove us all the way to Central City. On the way there I decided to send Barry a text telling him I was coming.

Hey smart guy, heard you woke up! hope you don't mind but Felicity and I are on our way to come and visit.

I smiled looking down at my phone after sending the text waiting for a response.

"who are you texting Oliver?" Felicity asked glancing over at my phone.

"I'm just texting Barry and letting him know that we're coming." I couldn't hide the smile that was appearing across my face, I was excited to see him, even though I knew he'd probably never like me in the way I like him.

Barry's POV:

my phone buzzed In my pocket, I was at Joe's house and we were talking about my new acquired speed, and the fact that he wants iris to have no idea about it. I took the phone out of my pocket. It was a text from Oliver, when I saw it my face lit up like a candle.

"who just texted you son?" Joe asked curiously.

"It was Oliver, he and Felicity are coming to Central City for a few days." I said excitedly.

Joe sat back in his chair, "Excited to see Felicity are you?" He joked

"No, not Felicity..." I said upset, the 9 months that I was in a coma were going to be my time to think about if I really was gay or bisexual, but I didn't get that time.

"what's wrong bear?" Joe asked me worried.

"it's just... remember when I went to Star City for a few days?" I started explaining, "well, while I was there I met Oliver, but you know that already, what you don't know is that he threw a party, and invited me."

"what are you getting at?" he asked confused.

"I think I like Oliver!" I stood up from the couch and blurted out.

as I said that Iris came in from the kitchen, I knew she had to of heard it, I said it so loudly. "you what?" Iris yelled.

how come she's so upset by the fact that I like ollie? I thought to myself.

"Why would you like someone like him?" she yelled more.

"why are you getting so upset?!" I yelled in response.

Then Iris stormed out of the house in anger.

I looked at Joe, "What was that all about?"

"don't ask me, lord only knows what's going on with that girl." Joe stood up from his chair. "I'm proud of you bear, have you told your dad yet?"

"No, the only person that knows is you." I explained.

Then Joe gave me a hug of acceptance, I was glad he knew, I was overall just glad I told somebody.

"Now get out of here and go get your man!" Joe exclaimed.

I rushed out of the house using my super speed, I didn't know where Oliver wanted to meet, but I knew two things. I wanted to tell him how I felt, and I wanted to show him my powers.

Oliver's POV:

"does Barry know where you want to meet him at?" Felicity looked at me and asked. She knew I liked Barry. She's known since him and I got on the dance floor that night.

"Shit! I forgot to tell him!" I said frustrated with myself for being such an idiot.

"how about you take him on a walk, that way you can tell him that you're the Vigilante and tell him how you feel." Felicity suggested.

I knew I couldn't tell him how I felt, he made it pretty clear at the party that he wasn't gay, not even bisexual like I am. I did know one thing thought. I had to tell him the truth about who I was if I ever want to create even a friendship with him. so I decided we could meet at Central City park.

I got out my phone and texted him: hey, we're almost to Central City. how do you feel about meeting me at the park?

The park was a great idea, we could go on a nice walk, and I could tell him everything. it would kind of be like a date.

my phone buzzed with a quick response from Barry: Yeah! sounds like a great idea, see you when you get here!

I smiled when he agreed to meet at the park, maybe even blushed a bit.

-15 minutes later-

We drove by the sign welcoming us to Central City, Diggle dropped me off the park and him, and Felicity went to big belly burger. when I got there I immediately spotted the handsome, funny, and overall amazing guy that I haven't seen in a while.

"Barry! It's great to see you, I haven't seen you since the party, how are you holding up?" I ask almost stumbling over my words.

"I'm doing great Oliver, how about you?" Barry smiled once he saw me.

"I'm doing pretty good." I smiled. Barry was the only one who could get me to smile without trying. he was so adorable with his little jokes here and there, and his smile truly is a dream.

We started on our walk, at first just talking about all that he missed while he was in a coma. I spoiled a few movies for him that he missed. Then we just kept talking about literally anything, somehow got into a conversation about what our favorite thing to order at Big Belly Burger was. After about 30 minutes I decided it was time to tell him.

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