I can't lose you too

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Barry's POV

It was two days after the incident at the restaurant. Oliver was barely talking to me, although he was hardly talking to anyone. He was going out any time he could, and working as hard as he could to find whoever did this. whoever got me injured, and whoever killed Sara. I was completely healed, and almost ready to go back to Central City as well. Before I let though I wanted to have an actual conversation with Ollie. He was at the computer by Felicity trying to find any hint of who could've done all this.

I went up to him and said, "Ollie, can we talk?"

He looked up from the computer for the first time in 2 hours. "Yeah Barry, what's up?" he said walking over to me.

once he was next to me, I paused for a second, then said, "You know none of this is your fault right?" I paused again. "You should take a break, you've been working nonstop for the past two days." I looked at him worriedly, he could barely look at me.

He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, I could easily tell that he blamed himself for what happened. No matter how many times someone tells him it's not his fault, he'll keep blaming himself.

"It is my fault Barry." He finally said, "I thought I could be with you and be the Arrow at the same time." he sounded angry and frustrated, and sad. It was easy to tell how upset he was.

"Oliver you deserve to be happy, you deserve to have a life outside of just the Arrow." I explained.

"No Barry I don't!" he screamed. "I became the Arrow to honor my father, but do you have any idea of how many people I've killed? how many people have died only because I cared about them?" he kept going.

I took his hands and looked him in the eyes, "you're not that person anymore. you're something greater." I stated, "You're the Arrow. you helped stop the under taking. you inspired everyone during the siege. You're a great person Ollie."

He pulled his hands away, and looked at the ground. "at the cost of my mother's life, at the cost of Tommy's life, and now at the cost of Sara's." he started saying saddened by all he had lost. "Everyone I care about dies Barry!" he yelled. "I can't lose you too, we can't be together."

I was shocked, tears started falling from my eyes, "What are you saying Ollie?"

"I'm saying, you have to leave. We can't be together Barry," he paused, "Go back to Central City, and don't come back here, I won't be the one responsible for your death too."

I stood there in shock, part of me knew he'd do something like this. I knew he'd push me away, it just hurt for me to hear him say it. I ran back to Central City with tears in my eyes. I knew I should've tried harder to get him to not push me away, but I couldn't. I had to give him some space, so that's what I did.

Oliver's POV:

Once Barry sped out, I felt everyone starring at me, Roy, Felicity, Digg. All eyes on me, waiting for me to say something. I felt the tears starting to come up, and fall down my face. I wiped my face and stopped crying.

"I'm fine, let's just find Sara." I said.

I was saddened by what I had just done, but I knew I was doing the right thing. It would keep Barry from harm of my enemies. Even if it hurt him and me emotionally, it would keep him safe.

Disclaimer: this part is a little shorter than the rest so sorry, but another part will be out shortly. I hope you enjoyed this part! and don't worry this isn't the end of their relationship :3

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