Ivy Town

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Barry's POV:

Ollie drove us to a nice small town called Ivy Town, it was nice and peaceful there. Every morning Ollie went on a jog while I usually made breakfast, or waited for him to get back and make it. One morning I woke up and he was out on his jog, so I started making omelets for when he came back.

Oliver's POV:

I woke up earlier than usual to go on my run, I just couldn't get the idea of hiding William from Barry out of my head. I wanted to tell him so badly, I wanted to tell him everything. I had a facetime with him that day, and I didn't know how'd I'd hide it from Barry. I knew I had to though.

i turned back, and started running back to mine and Barry's house, on my way back I said hello and goodmorning to some of the neighbors. I liked Ivy town  it was so perfect for Barry and I to start out lives together, and I was excited to.

Barry's POV:

Knowing Ollie would probably get back soon, I started cleaning up the mess i made from making the omelets.

As I finished up i heard Ollie come in through the front door, "hey babe! I made breakfast!" I hollored to him from the kitchen.

"It smells dilicious bear!" Ollie hollored back from the entryway.

He walked into the kitchen where i had a plate of two omelets sitting on the kitchen island. When he walked over he kissed me.

"You're all sweaty" I said after pulling away from the kiss.

"Don't worry, I'll shower once I'm done eating." He smiled. Then went to sit on the bar stool.

"How was your run?" I asked.

"Nice and peaceful." He explained, "also, i invited the neighbors over for dinner if that's alright with you."

"Yeah thats fine, what should we make?" I asked

"Maybe just a nice caserole or hotdish." He said

A nice hotdish meal with the neighbors sounded amazing, the past 6 months had been amazing, although i did miss running around in my suit stopping metas. I knew Oiver wouldn't want to go back, so i didn't bother to bring it up.

"Barry? You okay?" Ollie asked, i guess i zoned out for a minute.

"Yeah love, I'm fine, a hotdish sounds good."

"Okay, a hotdish it is." He said after taking his last bite, "okay, I'm gonna go shower"

He got up out of his chair and headed to the bathroom to shower.

After we was in the shower I started thinking, "I could run over to Central City to say hi to Cisco and Caitlyn and run back before Ollie got out of the shower who knows maybe even stop a robbery or something"

Then I heard Ollies phone ringing from the bedroom. I went to go answer it, it was felicity.

"Hey felicity, what's up?" I asked.

"Hey Barry, we need yours and Oliver's help"

DISCLIAMER: sorry this is so short and it's so late😅 things have been ptretty hectic for me and havent had a lot of time for writing. Hope you understand. The next part should be out soon!

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