Nanda Parbat

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Barry's POV:

We were on the verge of finding out if Harrison Welles really was the person who murdered my mother, and many others, when Oliver called asking me for his help. Of course, I ran right over to help, he was in Nanda Parbat, aka the place the League of Assassins call home. Felicity, Digg, Ray, Malcom, and Laurel were all trapped in a dungeon cell, and needed my help to break them out. I didn't know the details of what has been going on recently, so I had no idea how they got into the dungeon in the first place.

Once I got there and opened the dungeon door everyone told me that Oliver wasn't quite himself.

"what do you mean, what's been going on?" I asked once we were in the room with all their gear.

"look kid, we don't really have time to explain, we have to get out of here, the plain we got here on is still secure, but we have to get to it quickly." Digg explained.

"Okay, well I'll meet you in Star City, and I can help." I stated.

"Look Barry, I get that you care for Oliver, and you want to help, but there's a reason he told you to go back to Central City two months ago!" Digg kept going, "We got it from here, now go back home."

"You know I can't do that, not without knowing that Oliver is okay." I exclaimed.

"Digg, just let him tag along, he'll be fine." Felicity reassured him.

"Fine, Barry you can come onto the plane with us, you don't have to run all the way back." Digg explained, "but you let us work, you cannot interfere."

I understood completely what Digg was saying, and I agreed to his terms, I just had to make sure Oliver was safe. Just because we broke up, didn't mean that I didn't care about him as much as I did two months ago.

Oliver's POV:

Once I was on the plane heading for Star City with Raos and Nyssa. I knew now was a good as time as ever to make my move. I tampered with the plane so Raos couldn't destroy my city, my home. It go according to plan because Raos took off with our only parachute. So Nyssa and I worked around it, we crashed the plane, but we were fine. My knowing how to fly a plane came in handy.

We made our way back to Star City where everyone, including Barry, was at Palmer Tech working up a plan. Nyssa and I dropped in through the ceiling, and Digg was aiming his gun a us, and Nyssa was aiming her bow at Digg. I reached out my arm making Nyssa put down her bow, and Digg put down his gun.

Then I saw Barry, "What the hell is he doing here?" I yelled.

"Oliver chill, he just wanted to make sure you were okay, so he tagged along!" Felicity responded

"Well I'm fine, now go back to Central City Barry." I demanded.

"No, I'm not leaving you Ollie, this guy almost killed you not that long ago!" Barry yelled, "I'm not losing you!"

"He's right Oliver, his speed could be useful in this battle." Ray stepped in.

I paused, "can you give Barry and I the room please?" I asked.

Once everyone was gone Barry and I talked about how we'd go forward from here, everyone else was furious at me for what I did at Nanda Parbat, and I was pretty sure that once he found out he would be too.

"Barry you need to go home, this isn't your battle to fight, please I can't have you getting hurt in the crossfire." I explained.

"Fine, I'll leave Oliver, but you need to think about what you want to do" Barry started, "You can't keep going down this lonely path, I know you want to keep me safe, but we can keep each other safe."

Then he sped back to Central City, causing the wind behind him to blow in my face. Everyone came back into the room and we found a way to take down Raos.

The poison started infecting people, a few died, but we were able to contain it before it go too serious. Then Raos and I got into a sword fight on a bridge. He almost killed me, again, when Ray came to save me, and then I put Raos down for good. I had no other option. Malcolm got control of the league, and it was over.

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