Back to Star City

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Barry's POV:

When I woke up the morning after at Joe's house in my old bedroom, I was surprised to hear Ollie's voice downstairs. I reached for my phone that was sitting on my nightstand, and checked the time: it was 7:04am. how early do you get up Ollie? I thought to myself whilst urging my body out of bed. I used my superspeed to make my bed, brush my teeth, and change my clothes in record time. After I was done I went downstairs to my surprise seeing pancakes stacked almost 2 feet high, and a plate full of bacon and sausage sitting on the dining room table, and Ollie sitting in a chair, talking to Joe.

"How'd you have time to make this all? don't you sleep?" I joked pulling out a chair next to Ollie.

"Of course I sleep Bear, I just got up extra early to surprise you." Ollie smiled.

"I never thought that I'd have a billionaire in my house making me and my son breakfast." Joe interrupted grabbing some pancakes and putting them on his plate.

Then Iris walked in through the front door, she was staying the night at Eddie's, and of course Eddie was right behind her.

"I smell pancakes!" she hollered from the front door where she was taking her shoes off.

Then her and Eddie entered the dining room, where they saw Ollie sitting next to me. Eddie was clearly shocked to see him sitting at the table.

"Wow Barry, guess the newspaper I saw this morning was correct, congratulations." Eddie said still surprised as ever to see Oliver in his girlfriend's house.

"I told you they were dating!" Iris said walking over to give Joe a hug.

I was stuffing bites of pancakes in my mouth as everyone talked about Oliver and I dating, and how surprising it was. Then while everyone was eating Oliver got a call from Felicity.

Oliver's POV:

We were all eating having a good time, although Barry spent most of the morning eating 10 pancakes in a matter of minutes, and all of the bacon, he still contributed to the conversations making his small but hilarious jokes like he always did. Then out of nowhere my phone rang, it was Felicity.

"Excuse me, I have to take this." I said while getting out my chair

I walked into the kitchen to answer the phone, "Hey Felicity, what's going on?" I said into the phone.

"Thea's back, just thought you'd want to know. She wants to talk to you" Felicity said."

"Okay, tell her I'll leave here as soon as I can."

I hung up the phone and went back into the dining room to finish eating.

"Everything okay?" Barry asked when I sat down.

I smiled and said, "Yeah everything is fine, Thea just came back from travelling."

When we all finished eating Eddie and Iris left, and Barry and I cleaned up. After we finished cleaning, Barry, Joe, and I sat in the living room and talked for awhile.

"So Oliver, what's going on in Starling City." Joe asked me.

"Well, I believe the name is getting changed to Star City, and all's been calm since the siege so far." I explained.

"That's good, a lot has happened in that city I hear." He kept going, "between the undertaking and those mirakuro men, and then those vigilantes."

the undertaking was hard to deal with, knowing my mother could even do something close to something like that. Thea was still mad at me for lying to her being Malcolm's daughter. I was still furious at Slade for telling her.

I laughed it off, "yeah, it's been a rough two years." I said, "I should probably get going, I told Thea I'd come back home today." I said getting up from the couch, "thanks for having me."

"Do you want me to run you over there?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure Thea would like to meet you." I said, then we were off to Star City.

we got there in a matter of minutes, maybe even less. Once we got there Barry ran us to the Arrow cave. Felicity and Diggle were both there already.

"Barry, what brings you to Star City?" Felicity asked once she saw us.

"Well my boyfriend here had to return, and wants to introduce me to some people." Barry stated.

"Well Thea is upstairs working on the club." Felicity said.

Then Barry and I went to go see Thea. when we got upstairs she was talking to someone about auditioning to be a DJ for the club.

"Hey speedy." I said walking up behind her.

"Ollie! why didn't you tell me you were back already?" she said hugging me. then she saw Barry, "Hey your the guy who Ollie danced with at the party 9 months ago aren't you?" She asked Barry.

"yup, Thea this is Barry." I explained, "he's my boyfriend."

"well nice to meet you Barry." she said to the amazing man standing next to me.

"I'm going to go introduce Barry to some people, I'll talk to you later." I said to Thea. then Barry and I left to go see Laurel.

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