Date at the Fair

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Disclaimer: this part is really long, so hope you enjoy reading a lot! it's far longer than any other part, but this part will also probably be the longest in the series. now on with the Olivary romance!

Barry's POV:
Once I got better Ollie left and headed back to Star City, we call each other almost every day. Our date is in two days, and I'm excited as ever. We're going to go to the Central City fair this weekend. Knowing no one really knew about that Oliver and I were going on a date, I decided today was the best day to go see my dad and tell him everything.

I walk in and see that he's already there waiting for me, sitting on the other side of the glass.

"Hey son, it's been a while since you came to see me. Keeping yourself busy?" My dad say into the phone.

I smile at the sound of his voice it really has been a while, "heh, yeah I've been really busy with work recently." I say nervously.

"You sound nervous, is everything okay bear?" He asks worriedly.

"I've never been happier dad, i found this amazing person."

"That's great son! What's her name?" He asks curiously.

"That's the thing dad..." i say then pause for a short second, "I'm gay dad, and his name is Oliver dad," I pause again, "Oliver Queen, we're going on our first date this weekend"

My dad sat there in shock and silence for a few seconds. I sat there waiting for him to say something, anything. I want him to be proud of me, he's the only living family i have left.

"I love you Barry, I'm so proud that you found someone that means so much to you, but are you sure you really want to be going out with Oliver Queen? he lives all the way in Star City!" my dad exclaims through the phone.

then time was up, I didn't have time to give him an answer so I put the phone back on the stand and run back to work.

Oliver's POV:

I'm sitting on the roof of Queen Consolidated doing patrol, with Felicity at the coms, "are you ever going to tell me why you're going to Central City this weekend? You were literally just there not that long ago!" Felicity asks curiously into the coms. she's at the Arrow cave enjoying some Chinese food while I'm doing patrol hardly able to focus since I was so excited for my date with Barry.

"I'm going to the fair," I pause for a second, "with Barry."

"With Barry?" she asks, "why the hell are you going with Barry?"

I pause thinking if I should really tell her that Barry and I are going on a date. then decide screw it she mine as well know.

"We're going on our first date." I say revealing the truth.

"About time!" Felicity says, "but are you sure that's the best idea? The press doesn't know that you're bi yet, they'll be all over this if they find out, and they're already jumping to conclusions about it being an affair for the reason you're leaving for the whole weekend our of the blue!"

"I talked to Barry about it already, and we're completely aware of that." I explain into the coms.

2 days later

Barry's POV:

It's the afternoon before my date with Ollie, I'm pretty much a nervous reck being afraid that I'm going to ruin it completely. I decided that I'd go ask Iris for some advice, since I haven't seen her since I haven't seen or talked to her since I came out to Joe.

I call her to see where she's at, then she answers, "Hey Iris, haven't seen you in a while, do you want to meet me at Jitters in a few minutes?" I ask.

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