The Truth Revealed

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Barry's POV

For some reason Oliver stopped walking and right in front of me. I didn't know what was happening I just stood there waiting for him to speak.

I didn't have to wait more than a few seconds until he said, "I'm the Star City vigilante."

"what?" I smiled and laughed it off at first thinking he was just joking, then realizing he wasn't. "wait really?"

I was surprised, but yet it only made me fall more in love with him though. knowing he devotes his life to helping people like I've wanted to do since I was 10. then we continued walking and he talked about how no one could know since it would put me in danger and his family. I didn't really understand why it'd put me in danger, we weren't dating, even though I hoped that by the end of the day we would be.

I looked at my watch it was 6:35pm, the sun was just about to start setting. my plan was to tell Oliver my feelings once the sun was setting.

Oliver's POV:

It was almost sun set, and I couldn't believe how fast time was going. It seemed like I just got there, although we've been at the park since 2pm.

"mind if we sat here for a minute?" Barry directed us towards a bench that sat under two trees, it was near the trail but also facing the water. It was a nice spot, although I had no idea why he wanted to stop walking.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind." I said as we walked to the bench.

When we sat down I could tell that Barry was nervous, for what reason I had no idea. He started tapping his foot on the ground moving his knee up and down, which I knew he only did when he was extremely nervous or excited,

"what's up Barry?" I asked concerned.

He faced towards me and started explaining, "I lied at the party." he finally said.

I was confused, "what do you mean you lied?" I asked.

"when I said I wasn't gay," he paused for a second, "I lied, I am totally gay... and I love you."

Disclaimer: sorry I know it's short but I'm writing several parts all in one day because I have nothing better to do. Also, I'm aware that this part switches from past tense and present tense a lot, but that's because I suck at writing so I'm sorry.

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