I Love You

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Oliver's POV

"when I said I wasn't gay," he paused for a second, "I lied, I am totally gay... and I love you." Barry explained. "I love you Oliver."

I was surprised, i didn't even know what to say at that point. As we sat on that bench i could feel the butterflies in my stomach. The urge to just kiss him right then and there.

"I love you too." I said hardly able to get it out of me. I smiled in excitement.

I couldn't believe he actually liked me back. Barry Allen the man I began to love actually liked me back.

I leaned in to kiss him, but was interrupted when Barry's phone rang. It was Caitlyn, Barry's friend from Star Labs.

Barry's POV:

I was excited by the fact that Oliver actually liked me back. After all he's one of the richest men on earth. Not only that but he's also one of the hottest. When he leaned in to kiss me i was ready for it, but then my phone rang. When i looked at the phone and realized it was Caitlyn all i wanted to do was hit the decline button. Sadly though the new Central City hero can't do that.

"Hey Caitlyn, what's up?" I said into the phone, hoping it was nothing serious."

"Barry there's an armed robbery in progress at central city bank, get your ass over there." I heard Caitlyn say into the phone.

Dammit, i don't want to leave Oliver right now. I thought to myself as i hung up the phone.

"There's a robbery in progress, i have to go I'm sorry." I said looking into Oliver's beautiful eyes. "I'll be back in a flash." I winked and then ran off.

When i got to the bank i saw a meta human who could control the weather. Except it was someone i knew, someone I've seen before. Clyde Martin.

"I thought you were dead!" I yelled.

"I wasn't dead, i was broken. Then realized the power i was given." Martin talked while creating a snow storm inside the bank.

"Yeah well the power YOU were given, is cutting in on my time!" I said running towards him to punch him as hard as i could.

I didn't get there in time, before i got to him he struck me with lightning. Before i passed out, i heard Ollie's bike in the distance, i heard him yell my name.

Oliver's POV:

"BARRY!" I yelled seeing him take a hit of lightning. I ran to catch him in his fall.

Holding him in my arms, he was still breathing, for how much longer i didn't know. Immediately i took out my phone and called Caitlyn. Not giving a second thought about Martin. I just had to know Barry was okay.

"Caitlyn! He was hit by a rod of lightning, what do i do?!" I yell as soon as she answered.

"It's okay he's still breathing, just catch the bastard that hit him!" She yelled.

I picked my bow up from the ground and grabbed an arrow from my quiver. Pulling back my bow i screamed, "Clyde Martin, you have failed this city!"

After Martin was in the CCPD's custody, i took barry back to Star Labs. Dammit barry i can't lose you... stay with me! I thought to myself setting him onto a hospital bed. Caitlyn took it from there patching his wounds.

About 30 minutes later, she came into the cortex where i was waiting. "Don't worry his speed healing is already kicking in, he should be completely healed within a few hours." Caitlyn reassured me, "Also, he's awake and wants to talk to you." then she walked away.

I walked into the med bay to see Barry laying on the hospital bed, "How you holding up, scarlet speedster?" I asked.

"Never better actually, you know aside for the fact that we got interrupted by a homicidal bank robber." Barry joked trying to get me to smile. It worked, but he could've said anything and I would've smiled just hearing his voice.

"That's good, Caitlyn said you're almost completely healed up already." I assured him, and grabbed his hand, holding it while he laid there.

Barry's POV:

When Oliver held my hand all I wanted to do was pick up from where we left off and kiss him. I couldn't though because Joe came in only a few seconds after, I assumed Caitlyn told him what happened. Immediately after Ollie saw Joe, he pulled his hand away trying to pretend nothing happened.

Joe gave Oliver a curious look then disregarded it. "How you doing Bear?" Joe asked worriedly
"I'm all good, I feel fine." I lied, I was still in pain but I just wanted to get Joe to leave so I could actually ask Ollie out.

"Alright, I'll let you two love birds get back to doing whatever it was you were doing." Joe said smiling. then he left the room.

"How did he know?" Ollie asked curiously.

"I told him earlier today when you texted that you were coming, I came out to him right before you got here." I explained, "I've actually been meaning to ask you something though."

Oliver looked curious as to what I was going to say next, "Will you let me take you out on a date?" i asked smiling.

"Damn you Barry I wanted to be the one who asked you." Ollie said happily, "but yes we can go on a date." he smiled, that day was the happiest I ever saw him, he was lit up like a Christmas tree the entire day. His smile was just one out of the many qualities I loved about him

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