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Two small boys could be seen running around the house of Enji and Rei Todoroki. The two boys' older siblings watched the two boys with small smiles on their faces, enjoying the happy laughter that seems to roll off them. The two seem to be playing a harmless game of tag, running around the dining and living room areas to escape each other. Occasionally they'll drag one of their older siblings into the fray only to both end up getting caught and attacked by tickles.

It was one of the rare days Enji Todoroki didn't drag Touya off to train or force the others apart. Enji was off doing hero work that day and wasn't supposed to be back until late that night. Seeing this chance, the family decided to enjoy some rare family time with each other and let the little ones tire themselves out. So it came to everyone's surprise when the door to the family room opened, Enji stepping in with a furious look on his face. The bigger of the two younger Todoroki's didn't notice and ran right into Enji's legs. Quickly getting up and apologizing, Shoto Todoroki was surprised to see his father, fear taking over as he was grabbed rather harshly by the owner of the legs he ran into. Shoto let out a small yelp of fear before starring into his father's eyes shaking. The smaller of the two stayed where he was a few feet away, not making any movements that would draw the enraged Enji's attention to him. The others in the room weren't much different, with Fuyumi and Natsuo Todoroki quickly hiding behind their eldest sibling and mother. Rei Todoroki had to grab her eldest, Touya, to keep him from stepping in and making the situation worse. She subtly shook her head at him, signaling for him to stand down and let her handle the situation. Touya, although not happily, backed down with a huff of annoyance and simply hugged his scared little brother in return. 

Taking an unsteady breath, Rei took a small step forward, gently pushing Fuyumi towards her brothers, and continuing her way towards her husband, although not by choice. Enji noticed this whole exchange and it seemed to only make him angrier. His grip on Shoto tighten to a painful grip, indicated by the small pain-filled whimper that escaped the small child's lips. The child's eyes could be seen slowly filling with tears, yet the poor child refused to let them fall knowing it will only serve to anger the so-called hero. Taking a slow breath in, Rei attempted to calm her raging husband.

"Enji, dear. It was an accident, Shoto didn't mean to run into you. He already apologized, please put him down, you don't want to hurt him right?" Rei tried reasoning with Enji, her voice shaky and unsteady. Though this didn't seem to calm the angered man, only serving to anger him more.

"Shut up! Who are you to tell me what to do? What I want and don't want? This insolent child shouldn't have ran into me in the first place, much less be running around inside like this is some sort of playground! In fact, none of you should even be in here. Touya," Enji barked, startling the eldest child, "why aren't you training? What did I say about sitting around and goofing off? And you two," he said pointing to the two behind Touya, "why aren't you in your room studying? I don't pay good money for top-notch study material just for you to waste it in here playing around like children! Don't even get me started on you Rei! I told you to keep the twins away from the others, I don't want them corrupting them before their quirks manifest! They are to be studying in their room, preparing for their quirk to appear any day now!" Enji yelled, swinging around Shoto every now and then, startling the child. 

"I-I-I'm sorry dear. But they've been cooped up all week, and they were restless. Since we can't leave the house I thought it would be ok if I let them get some of their energy out inside. The others too, being stuck in their rooms studying all the time isn't healthy. I thought they could use a small break, I'm sorry. Besides, you aren't suppose to be home for another couple hours, I figured they could have a small break before you got back." Rei said, trying to reason with Enji. Though, the words only seemed to anger the man more than before, causing him to throw the child in his hand to the side and into the wall. He advanced towards Rei, raising his hand ready to strick her for speaking out of turn and disobeying him. But before he could hit her ice appeared around his wrist, a shout following shortly after.

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