Chapter 16

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The bell signaling the end of school just went off, meaning I was finally allowed to leave this small, cramped room. I quickly packed all my files and notebooks up, placing them all in my bag before sliding off the bed. I slid my bag over my shoulders and grabbed my phone, placing that in my pocket. After making sure I had everything, I started to make my way out of the room to meet my friends out front.

"Goodbye Recovery Girl, thank you for letting me hide out in here all day." I called out right before I left the room. I could faintly hear Recovery Girl shout back a 'you're welcome' before the door closed all the way. 

Stretching as I walked, I made my way to the front, the hallways not exactly full, but still not empty. I managed to avoid bumping into anyone as I walked through the halls, not really wanting to make physical contact with anyone I don't know. As I walked, I could hear everyone around me talking about the Sports Festival, each one exclaiming how excited they were. Most of the kids talking about it were part of the different departments like general education and the finance department. If this is their attitude going into the festival, then they were going to get ripped to shreds by the hero departments.

Reaching the front of the school, I exited through the front door and found Kacchan and Toshi waiting for me by the gate. A few of their friends and classmates were surrounding them, all yelling and screaming, the excitement clear in their voices. Well, Toshi was off to the side while the rest surrounded Katsuki.

"Bakubro, Me and the rest of the squad are going to go train for the Sports Festival, do you wanna join us?" A red-haired teen shouted. Erijiro Kirishima, quirk is hardening. It allows him to harden any part of this body at will, making him unbreakable.

"Ya dude! With you there, training will be a lot more fun!" Denki Kaminari yelled. 

"If we had you training with us, then we'd really be prepared for the Sports Festival!" A pink Alien looking girl shouted, jumping up and down in excitement. Mina Ashido, quirk is Acid. It allows her to produce and shoot acid from her hands and feet. 

"That's for sure! You're gonna be our biggest obstacle, so training with you would be a great help!" A black-haired individual with weird elbows said. Hanta Sero, quirk tape. It allows him to shoot tape from his elbows and use it at all his discretion. 

"First of all, shut the hell up you shitty extras. Second, it's the squad and I, shitty hair. Third, who the hell said I was part of your little squad? And last, what makes you think I would train with you all and give you leg up in the competition?" Bakugou said, rolling his arms as he shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, you're hair is no different from mine Bakubro!" Kirishima said, frowning slightly. But even I could tell from here that the comment didn't affect him as much as he's playing it.

"Awe, you're no fun Bakugou!" Mina shouted, pouting a little.

Before Bakugou could answer, I decided to step in as I finally reached the little group. Shinso, who had seen me approaching, moved around them and came to stand next to me.

"Now, now, Kacchan, play nice. It's obvious you think of yourself as part of their 'little squad', as you say. And your training with Toshi and I so how's that any different if you trained with your squad?" I interjected, smirking knowing that I one-uped Kacchan in front of his friends.

"Shut up Deku!" Kacchan yelled, doing his signature pose, arms raised, a nasty sneer on his face, while small explosions expelled from his hands. The others all took a step back, not really knowing who I was, just that I was antagonizing the beast, one they didn't want to be close to when he explodes.

"Shut up, Kacchan. Now come on, we have some training to do before dinner at Toshi's." I said, grabbing one of Katsuki's wrists and dragging him away from the front gates and towards our training stop on the beach. 

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