Chapter I -Baby

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My beautiful Ellington decided to make an appearance into my life in January of 2020. I did not know until the weekend of Valentine's day. I am 15 years old and I was stunned. How was I going to be a mother? A single mother at that? I cried, for me, for my baby, and for my family. What if I wasn't a good mother? I told the father, "That thing isn't mine. You aren't pregnant, you're lying". Those words stung me like a bee and they are some of the words I will never forget. I remember holding my stomach, thinking of my baby. I hoped I could give him/her an amazing life. Sometimes, God or whomever you want to believe in, has other plans.
I woke up one day while at my friends house to see that I was in a pool of blood, in her bed. On her brand new white sheets. I cried. I sat in the bathroom and cried as I used one of the biggest pads she had to hold some of the blood. I cried as I typed into the search bar "bleeding while pregnant" and "periods while pregnant?". I went to mom groups on Facebook and asked there. Am I okay? I heard the stories of women going on to have beautiful healthy babies. Sadly, that's not how this story ended.

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