Chapter 5: Football Game

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The next morning, Barley couldn't stop thinking about Elsa. He thought she was the most amazing person he had ever met. He woke up to the song, 'Everything is Awesome' which Emmett was playing and humming along to. "Breakfast is served!" Twister said bringing in breakfast along with Jake. Barley got up and stretched as he sat back down which Twister noticed that Barley had an in love gaze on his face. "Oooooo! Someone's crushin'!" Twister snickered. "Really? Who?" Emmett asked as Nigel pointed to Barley. Barley stopped eating his waffle and looked up. "What?" he asked with a mouth full of food. "Dude you're totally crushing on a girl. We know it." Twister said. "But the question is, who is  it?" Jake asked. Barley swallowed his food and took a sip of orange juice. Emmett walked over and noticed that Barley's hands were cold. "Who is it Emmett and please stick to the point," Nigel grumbled. Emmett took a deep breath. "It's the ice queen!" he said. Everyone was shocked. Barley nodded. "Whoa! You got a crush on Elsa? Pretty sick bro!" Jake said. Barley nodded and walked over to look out the window. "You okay buddy?" Emmett asked Barley. "Yeah it's just...Elsa is amazing and I don't know how to impress her correctly." Barley told Emmett. "Hey, you'll figure something out. Don't worry." Emmett said and put his Lego hand on Barley's finger. "Thanks, Lego man." Barley said as Emmett nodded. It was break time and Barley walked over to his locker and saw Ian walking toward him. "Hey lil bro! How's it going with you and Walter?" Barley asked Ian. "Oh it's great! We taught each other gadgets and magic. Walter's pretty clever for a kid." Ian said. Barley picked up Ian and noogied him. "See? Isn't this place great?" Barley laughed. "Yeah it is. Why are you so happy?" Ian asked Barley as Barley put Ian down. "No reason," Barley grinned rubbing the back of his head. Just then, two little boys were passing out papers. "Attention! Attention! Football sign-ups!!! Football signups!!!" the boys said as they were handing out flyers. That's it! Barley thought. If I can get Elsa to be my girlfriend, I will play football to impress her! he thought again. Barley patted his brother on the back. "Sorry my fair brother, but I must complete my quest!" Barley said and ran off as Ian was about to ask where Barley was going. Then Ian chuckled and walked away to find Walter.


Barley ran after the little boys passing out the flyers. As the boys turned the corner, Barley yelled "HALT!" and the boys looked over as Barley came close to them. "Say isn't that the elf we...OOF! Hey!" one of the boys said as the other boy elbow jabbed him. Barley stopped at them out of breath from running. "I'm here to try out for the football game!" Barley huffed. "Sorry we're fu..." the boy said as the other boy nudged him. "Oh! Of course you can join! Here you go!" the little boy said as he handed the flyer to Barley. "Game starts soon! Thanks Mister!" the boys said and ran off. "Cheeky little nuggets," Barley said as he went back to his dorm to prepare. Once he got to his dorm, he told his fellow friends. "Guys! I'm in it to win it! Football here I come!" he said. Everybody was stunned. Barley frowned at the expressions as Nigel laughed hard. "Why all the long faces? What's so funny?" Barley asked them. "Toonivesity Football??? Are you joking?! With the baddest and 'worst' players?!?" Nigel laughed harder thinking it was some sort of joke as everyone stared at him frowning. Nigel quieted down. "Aheh...ahem...carry on!" he said. Barley looked at Twister. "I don't get the joke. What does he mean?" Barley asked as Twister frowned. "Listen Barley. Tooniversity football is great and all, but have you heard of the players?" Emmett asked him. "" Barley said. "Dude, it's the baddest group on the team, The Baddies. People say that they will cheat to win at anything," Twister said. Jake woke up and turned into a dragon. "Baddies! Where? I'll fight them I will...oh...they're not here are they?" Jake said sheepishly. "Nope." Twister told him. "Oh, okay" Jake said and dozed back to sleep on his homework. "The Baddies are a notorious group, Barley. You cheat, you get kicked off the team." Emmett said. Barley frowned and sat on his bed. "Sorry pal." said Nigel. Then Barley stood up strong and put his knuckles on his hips. "Baddies or not! I'm gonna win this thing! My quest awaits!" he said as he grabbed the flyer and slammed the door shut. Everyone was confused and shrugged it off. 


Barley waited out the front of the team locker rooms. He took a deep breath. Well here goes nothing, Barley thought and opened the door. He walked right in. When he walked in he saw the Middle Eastern guy in his English class stare him down. Next to him was the same big huge black demon that was making out with a dragon. Both of them stopped and stared Barley down as well. Barley was grossed out and kept on walking. He passed by a guy sharpening his hook for a hand and a guy dealing out what looked like voodoo cards. They also stared Barley down. Suddenly, Barley heard something. "Psst, over here man!" the voice whispered and Barley followed it. He stopped and saw a tall black kid, a yellow skinned kid with brown hair, a really buff turtle with a red bandana which was different from the one Barley saw across the office, a chipmunk, and a cyborg. "Whew close call their pal!" said the chipmunk. "You could've gotten squashed by those...guys." said the cyborg. "Glad you're okay." said the yellow skinned kid. "We all are. Vincent La Salle friend." Vincent said as Barley shook his hand. "Barley Lightfoot." Barley smiled. "I will introduce you to our team. The chipmunk is Alvin, that over there is Nelson Muntz, Raphael is the turtle, and Cyborg is, well, Cyborg." Vincent said as everyone smiled and waved. "Wow cool vest!" Alvin said. "Thanks everyone! I'm glad to be on your team!" Barley smiled. Before the game, the team talked a little bit before it started. "So how did you guys all start?" Barley asked. "I wanted to play basketball but I thought I would try out for football." Vincent said. "I'm very sneaky. I can run around and never be seen." said Alvin. "How about you Nelson?" Barley asked. "Well I had to play cause my mom is dating one of the PE teachers. Figures." Nelson rolled his eyes. "I'm a ninja at night but in the daytime I'm a bad ass football player!" Raph said punching the air. "And I'm here for the fun of it!" Cyborg smiled. Barley smiled. "Except, we have one problem." Vincent said. Barley was curious then looked around at everybody's frowned faces. He realized what Vincent was trying to say. "Wait, you guys never played football before?" Barley asked. Everyone shook their heads. Barley stood up and put his hands on his hips. "Well I'm determined to win and together we'll figure it out as we go along! You gotta feel you're heart's fire and take the courage to become a champion! Who's with me?" Barley proudly said. Vince stood up. "I'm in." Vince said. "Me too." Alvin piped up. "Same here!" Raph said. "In it to win it!" Cyborg said. Nelson kept sitting as everyone stared at him. Nelson sighed. Barley walked over to him and put a hand on Nelson's shoulder. "Hey, you can do this." Barley told Nelson. Nelson sighed and smiled. "Well if it gets me time to beat those dark jerks, then I call in!" Nelson said. Everyone joined in and put their hands in the middle. "Let's go team!" they all chimed in as the baddies watched from afar. "What are we gonna do? They're just brats!" said a bird on the Middle Eastern guy's shoulder. "Patience Iago. I believe Hades has a plan." said the Middle Eastern guy. "Most definitely." Hades scowled.

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