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Cats's New Boyfriend

"This is it," I said, looking in the mirror at myself one more time before heading out, "My first day at Hollywood Arts. I got this."

Suddenly, I heard my sister yelling from the kitchen, "COME ON, Y/N! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!"

Running out of my room and towards the front door, I saw my sister, Cat, waiting at the door.

"Here I am!"

"We have to go! My friend offered to drive us since it's your first day," she smiled, pulling me out of the house.

I should give a little back story to explain everything.

I'm Cat's twin sister—Y/N. Although she's been in Hollywood Arts since freshman year, I was never interested in the performing arts. Cat started talking about all the awesome people and classes at the school though. It took over a year to decide, but I wanted to switch to Hollywood Arts.

The beginning of the semester arrived. I was officially switching to this school. This was it. Once I was out the door, there was no turning back.

"Oh! I see his car!" Cat yelled, dragging me over to a brownish-red GTO, which looked on the older side but well kept, "You sit up front."

"Ok," I mumbled, opening the door. I looked over at Cat's friend. He was HOT! I assumed he was the infamous Beck who was dating the overly jealous Jade. I understand why she get's jealous because wow.

My suspicions were confirmed when he put his hand out, "Hi! I'm Beck."

I shook his hand, "Y/N."

"Nice to meet you," he paused, "Are you two sisters or friends or...?" Beck asked, looking between us.

"Twins!" Cat yelled energetically.

"Not identical," Beck mumbled.

Cat and I both screamed, "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?"

Within seconds, all three of us were laughing.

"We have two of you now?"

I nodded. I knew exactly what he meant. Cat and I were both high maintenance. She was just a little less mature.

"Double trouble!" Cat yelled and then squeaked.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the school. The parking lot was huge and filled with students. The three of us walked in the door and were greeted by an angry looking goth girl with pink and blue stripes in her hair.

"So this is why you couldn't drive me to school today?" She yelled, glaring at Beck. I assumed she was Jade. She turned to me, "Just what we needed. Another pretty little new girl who's talking to my boyfriend," she didn't even look at Cat.

"That's—" Cat tried to defend somebody, but it's Cat. Jade could crush her with her pinky finger. No offense, Cat.

Jade inched closer to me, "Shut up! No excuses. Who are you and why did you drive to school with Beck?"

"I'm Y/N Valentine."

"Valentine?" Jade asked, suddenly, with a softer tone, "Cat's last name."

"We're twins!" Cat yelled and twirled.

The goth girl gave me an apologetic glance, grabbed Beck's hand, and ran off. I wonder why she suddenly got so soft.

Cat showed me around the school. Luckily, she was in all of my classes which meant I wouldn't be alone. Around third period, I was walking with Cat to my class when she screamed and ran. Confused and slightly worried, I followed her.

The Normal Valentine :: Beck Oliver x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now