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Wanko's Warehouse

I hadn't gone to school in over a week since the Platinum Music Awards. Tori did amazing and my absence had nothing to do with the awards. I was just scared to go see Beck after what happened. He'd tried to come talk to me a few times to 'say sorry' to me. He wanted to fix us. I didn't. Not now. I had Cat tell him to get away from me.

Everybody else had come visit me a few times to see if I was dead. Having their company was actually pretty nice but I could only deal with it for a little bit before I got too upset again.

Andre wrote a song for me about moving on that cheered me up a lot. Jade told me she stabbed him with dull scissors when they first got back. She said he didn't bleed, but he felt the pain. She was also trying to give me tips on how to get over him since she'd done it before. It didn't work, but it's the thought that counts.

It was a Thursday when I finally decided to go back to school. My brother drove me. It was weird. I was walking around with Cat all day like when I first came to Hollywood Arts. Jade was tagging along with us when we noticed a crowd near the stairs.

"Hi!" Cat greeted.

Trina groaned loudly, "Ugh!"

"What is this? A meeting?" Jade asked.

"That's what my brother call it when he and his friends hang out together and eat meat," Cat said. He hadn't had a 'meat'ing in a while. Not since he went to the special hospital for the fourth time.

"What?" Tori asked.

"A 'meat'ing. Get it? He's a disaster."

I narrowed my eyes and pointed around Tori, Andre, and Trina, "It looks like a newly formed cult to me."

"Fun," Jade smiled, raising an eyebrow, "Can I join?"

"It's not a cult," Tori whined.

"Okay. Anyways, what are you people talking about?" Jade asked.

"There's a big sal—" Tori started before getting interrupted by her sister.

"Shush, shush, shush, shush, shush!"

"Hey diddle-diddle!" Robbie poked in.

"What's up?" Beck appeared.

I smiled and turned to walk away. Jade grabbed my arm, smirking, "Not so fast," she moved closer to the side of my head and whispered, "Act like you don't care."

Nodding, I moved back to my spot, leaning against the railing.

"Nothing!" Trina yelled.

"Trina has a secret and won't tell us," Andre explained.

Robbie got angry, "Well that's jank."

She tried to protest, but eventually we bothered her enough that she caved, "Look, if I tell you people all these other losers are gonna hear."

Tori pulled out her phone and had Trina send us a mass text saying her secret. Tori listed the people out loud as she typed them. A few seconds later, we all got the text. '80% off everything sale at Wanko's' is what it said.





"I'm hitting."

"Okay," I shrugged.

"A sale at Wanko's!" Cat exclaimed.

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