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Sleepover At Sikowitz's

The day was going perfectly normal. All of my classes were easy-peezy and Sikowitz had his coconuts and their milk. Until he threw them out the window at the beginning of class. But that's normal.

Tori and Andre were acting out a scene about a woman who just found out she has to have surgery. It was very intense until Sikowitz interrupted them. He showed Tori an index card with a red dot on it before screaming, "BOO!" At her.

She screamed and fell down, "Sikowitz! What was that for? You scared the fudge out of me."

This was about to get even weirder. He kneeled down on the ground next to Tori, "Why did you stop crying?"


"You were playing the role of a crying woman who's just been told she's going to have surgery. Why did you break character?"

"Because you interrupted our scene and screamed 'boo' in my face."

Andre shrugged.

"Tori and Andre," Sikowitz stood up, "Take your seats. I'm trying to teach you kids about method acting. And that means, whatever character you're playing, you must stay in that character the entire time. No matter what happens. Whether on camera or off camera. On stage or off stage. You've got to understand that—"

The bell rang, signaling most of the class to stand up and leave.

"Until tomorrow," he yelled.

Sikowitz sat down and started meditating. My friends and I decided to stay after to talk to Sikowitz about this 'method acting' thing.

"Look," Tori started, "I'm sorry we disappointed you."

"Yeah. It's just that we think that method acting is kinda dumb," Robbie explained. And he's right. It kinda is.

Everybody muttered an agreement of some kind.

"Well of course you think method acting is dumb," Sikowitz said, "It's too challenging for you." He was trying to break us. Well it's not going to work.

"Yeah, I really don't think that's the issue here," Jade said. She's right. It isn't the problem. Method acting is just annoying.

"Staying in character no matter what happens is something only true professional actors can pull it off. Ha. Sometimes I forget you're all just children. Amateurs."

"Amateurs?" I asked.

"He called us amateurs!" Cat exclaimed.

"Your wack-job teacher just called all of y'all out!" Rex yelled, "Hahaha! I love it!"

"Shut up! You're just a stupid, two-foot tall, filterless rag," I tried to insult Rex. Yes, he is a rag.

"Rag?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your little...amateur feelings."

Cat gasped, "He did it again!"

"What's that supposed to mean," I mumbled. It wasn't a question there, just something to say at the time of annoyance.

Beck walked up to the front of the classroom, "I really don't think method acting is all that hard."

Sikowitz dramatically stood up, "Then I issue a challenge!" He pointed a whiteboard marker at Beck.

"What kind of challenge?" Tori asked.

"Who wants to have a sleepover at my house?" Sikowitz excitedly asked.

Jade quickly stood up and raised her hand, "I do."

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