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On my eighteenth birthday, we officially became engaged. We saved up for a house as soon as we could. Our wedding was a little more than a year later. Neither of us went to a college. Instead, we pursued our careers. Beck has become one of the most well-known actors in the country and my music took off and my songs have reached number one of the charts three times.

As for the rest of our group, they've all become extremely successful as well. Robbie is a stand-up comedian, Rex still by his side. Cat is a special effects artist on tons of movies and she does costuming on the side. Tori is a pop star, just like she hoped she'd be. Andre is the richest music producer in the world. Jade focused more on acting and is doing amazing with it while having a small music career on the side.

The best thing of all is that we managed to stay friends despite our busy lives. We got together for holidays, birthdays, and sometimes just because. We all continued to live in LA, so the drive to each other's houses wasn't very long either.

Fast forward four years, Cat and Robbie have been dating for about a year. Tori and Andre have been on and off since we graduated. Jade is engaged to an actor named Will who she was cast as the love interest of in a movie in the beginning of her career. Beck and I were still together, even though media and being in the limelight has tried to break us.

I hadn't been feeling well the past few weeks, and I thought it was probably time to get that checked out. I'd been throwing up every single morning and I had to go to the bathroom constantly.

The doctors checked it out, and it was official. I was pregnant! Beck and I had been trying for months, but nothing had happened yet. My next doctor's appointment was in two weeks. They wanted to do regular check ups to make sure the baby was doing well.

While trying to control my shaking from how excited I was about the new addition to my life, I was driven back to our house by my driver and personal body guard. He'd been my bodyguard for two years and we'd gotten to know each other fairly well.

"Thanks, Hugo," I thanked him, stepping out of the car.

He closed the door behind me, "Of course, Y/N. Did they find out why you hadn't been feeling well?"

I nodded, excitedly, "I'm pregnant. Don't tell Beck yet. I want to tell him." I wanted to tell him as soon as I could. I had an idea on how to, but I needed to set it up first. You always see people worried that their significant other will leave them because of a baby, but I knew Beck and I both wanted this and were ready for it. We had been trying for a while after all.

"I understand. Congratulations!" He smiled as he walked me to the door.

"Thank you so much," I smiled as he opened the door.

When I walked into he house, I began my plan. I put a hamburger bun in our oven because of the saying 'there's a bun in the oven' for when a person is pregnant. Then I started looking for my husband. I found him laying down on the couch in the living room, studying lines for his next movie. I walked over to him and snatched the script out of his hands, making sure to keep his place with my finger.

He smiled up at me as he adjusted his posture so he was sitting up, "Welcome home. Can I have that back?"

"Not yet," I sat down next to him, keeping the script open, "I have news."

His smile fell and he looked worried, "What happened? What did the doctors say?"

I shook my head, laughing a little, "Nothing bad." He sighed in relief as I continued, "It's actually really good."

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