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Beck Falls For Tori

Everybody was back to normal. Jade and Beck were fine again. Jade was back to being her dark, spiteful self. The only thing not normal was the new crush. But its not that important. Tori was back to being an overachiever, but it wasn't as bad as before.

I sat in Sikowitz's class, watching Andre, Cat, and Beck act out a scene. Cat and Andre were FBI agents looking for a missing girl. Beck was a suspect.

"Just tell us where the girl is," Andre said.

"I told you! I don't know!" Beck yells, trying to convince them that he doesn't know where the girl is.

"Okay," Cat shrugged, "If you don't know, you don't know."

Beck sighed.

Suddenly, Cat slapped him. Beck screamed, leaning to his side. Then she grabbed his shirt and started shaking him, "NOW DO YOU KNOW?"

"Hey man!" Beck says to Andre, "Get your partner off of me!"

"You gotta tell her what she wants to know," Andre stated, calmly.

"You got three seconds to talk!"

"I-I don't—" she slapped him again, causing him to scream and go to the side, "SHE'S IN MY BASEMENT!" He got quieter and fell to his knees, "She's in my basement."

Cat nodded with her arms crossed.

Sikowitz yelled from the back of the classroom, "BORING!"

"That was boring?" Andre asked, in disbelief. As a matter of fact, I found the scene quite interesting.

"Yeah. It was all too predictable. There were no," he gasped, "AH! Surprises."

Jade put in her input, "I enjoyed the slapping."

Beck rolled his eyes.

"The entertainment is so much more entertaining when the characters do things the audience doesn't expect," Sikowitz explained.

"I don't get what you're trying to say here," Robbie said.

"He means you need to be on the edge of your seat," I smiled over at Robbie who was really, really confused.

"Let's move onto something else," Sikowitz clapped, causing everybody on stage to take their seats, "Let's talk about our hopes and dreams. TORI!"


"What's your biggest hope and or dream?" He asked.

"Uh...probably to be a pop star. A really successful singer."

Cat was glaring at her. I didn't know why. Her and Cat weren't fighting right now. I didn't hate Tori right now. It was funny though, so I had to try and hold back a laugh.

Apparently, Sikowitz couldn't do that. He burst out laughing.

"What?" She asked.

"Well, maybe you could sing at weddings—for the hearing impaired," he suggested. Everybody was shocked. Sikowitz was never like this.

Except Jade, "Okay, this is the most fun class, ever!"

"You really don't think I can make it as a singer?" Tori asked, she sounded genuinely hurt by his words.


Now even Jade was speechless. Tears started gathering in my eyes. What if he was gonna be this mean to all of us? What would he say to me? Or Cat?

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