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The Slap Fight

The next day, we were listening to a lecture about the different styles of movie direction. The teacher just kept repeating the same thing over and over again. I was next to Beck, his arm was slung around my chair.

"ACTION!" Cat yelled from across the room.

"CUT!" I followed up. The Valentine twins strike again!

The teacher looked between us, "What?"

Cat shrugged, "That's what they say make movies."

"We're not making a movie right now," Beck's eyes darted between us.

"Alright," the teacher continued talking. We were about to watch a scene from Sin-Jin's short film.

"Yes! Yes!" He stood up, "It's called 'Monkey Time Bucket Balls.'"

Let's just say the film was strange.

"I wanted the audience what it sort of feels to be drunk by me," Sin-Jin tried to explain the weird movie. It only made it worse.

"I bet that soda felt disgusting and ashamed," Jade, who was next to Cat, crossed her arms.

Sin-Jin turned to me, "What does it mean to be a woman?"

I felt Beck tense up. I looked up to see him glaring at the mop headed boy.

"Pain and suffering," I answered simply then turned back to the teacher just in time for the bell to ring. I grabbed my bag.

"Wait, wait, wait," the teacher stopped us from leaving, "Your short films are due first thing on Tuesday morning. So everyone, meet with your production groups and make sure you are on track to get it done."

We all grabbed our stuff and clumped in a big group on the side of the BlackBox. Andre explained our plan for shooting the movie. Tori was bringing the prop. Everybody had to bring in their own costumes. We already had our scripts and had been practicing lines for about a week. We all knew our roles in filming and production.

"Any questions?" Andre asked.

"I have one," Sin-Jin piped in. We are not in his production group. What the hell is he doing over here? "Do you guys think my new spray tan looks natural?"

Sin-Jin ripped off his shirt. I dug my face into Beck, not ever wanting to see Sin-Jin without a shirt on. Nobody responded, so I assumed it was bad. Soon later, Beck tapped my shoulder and we left the theater.

The next day, Friday, we prepped for our scene. Cat had just finished my makeup, so I helped Beck set up the camera.

I was playing Robbie's sister and Jade's sister-in-law. They were supposed to be married in the film. Cat and Andre were detective's, researching some murders. Tori was Beck's wife in it so I needed to talk to her before we started shooting. In the end, Robbie did it because he's an insane violin player with a hidden knife in his violin.

Tori ran in. She was really, really late. "I'm here!"

"And late," I mumbled.

She heard me, "Sorry I'm late. Did we start filming yet?"

"No," Beck stood up, grabbing my hand, "Robbie can't play a psychopath violin player without the prop."

"Yeah, where's the stab-o-lin?" Andre asked.

I laughed, "That's funny."


"You brought it, right?" Andre asked.

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