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Star Spangled Tori

About a month had gone by since The Slap incident. A lot has happened since then. My parents and brother had to move out. That meant that if Cat and I didn't find a place in Hollywood to stay, we had to move to Idaho with them. So, her and I moved into the attic of the school. It wasn't as bad as it seems. Who am I kidding? It sucked.

Nobody knew what was going on. Not even Beck. Just Cat and I.

One day while Beck was out sick, Jade and Andre were acting out a scene while squatting. I was sitting next to Cat. It was hilarious, but I kept my laughter to myself. Even though Jade and I had gotten closer, she wouldn't hesitate to snap my neck.

"Daddy! Don't walk away from me!" Jade whined while squatting.

Andre looked at our squatting teacher, "Sikowitz."

"This is ridiculous," Jade added.

"No, no! Keep squatting. You're doing great!" Our teacher encouraged, squatting near the back of the classroom.

"But it's hard to act and squat at the same time," Andre pointed out. That is very true.

"Hey, Sikowitz, what does the world perilous mean?" Tori asked. Well, that's really random.

"Perilous? Well, it sounds like pear-less," Sikowitz started his very wrong definition, "Which would mean you don't have any pears. Or any products from the Pear Store but that doesn't make sense because you have that phone you got all the t—"

I cut him off, "Perilous means the same thing as dangerous."

"Thanks," Tori smiled.

"That doesn't make sense," Sikowitz looked back to the stage, "Hey! Squat!"

"Can I also squat?" Cat asked.

"When it's your turn," Sikowitz responded. Cat looked really disappointed that she couldn't squat.

"I don't understand why we have to do the scene like this," Jade complained.

Sikowitz groaned, "Ugh. Look. There are many different types of theater. There's realism, there's expressionism, abstairilism, and there's squatalism."

"It's true," Robbie started, "It says right here that squatalistic theater was originally performed by the ancient Greeks as a way of pleasing the mythical god Squatros."

"I hope you're kidding," I looked at Robbie. He shook his head.

"Look, do you want us to squat or waddle?" Andre asked.

"Pick one," Jade finished.

"You do both," Sikowitz said, "It's called squaddling."

I sighed, "I hope that's a joke too."

Sikowitz clapped his hands, "Alright, lets take it from—"

"Wait!" Tori interrupted, "What does it mean if something is spangled?"

Sikowitz yelled, "Dang it, Tori! I only want to answer squat-related questions." She rolled her eyes.

"Is it my turn to squat?" Cat asked.

"I wanna squat too," I said. Sitting here, watching people talk about squatting was boring.

"NO!" Our teacher kept on yelling.

"C'mon Cat, you can take my place," Andre stood up.

Cat smiled, standing up, "Okay!"

"You can take mine, Y/N," Jade stood up and handed me the script. I walked over to where Jade was and squatted.

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