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Opposite Date

Four days after the Wanko's incident, I was still refusing to interact with Beck as much as I could. So, when I found out everybody was going to eat lunch at the Asphalt Cafe, I hid out in the library. Cat, who may I add is the best sister I could ever ask for, ate with me. Yes, she was telling me just to go eat with them the whole time, but at least she stayed with me the whole time.

I had to stay after for math because I wanted extra help before a big test coming up. Once I was done, I walked down the stairs. I saw Cat and Jade over by Jade's locker and decided to join them.

"Do you wanna do something fun with me tomorrow night?" Cat asked Jade just as I was walking up.

"Sure. What?"

"Can I come?" I asked.

Cat nodded and turned back to Jade, "I don't know. I figured you'd pick cause your bossy." Bad word choice, Cat.

"DON'T SAY I'M BOSSY!" Jade yelled.

"Okay. But you are," Cat paused, "A lil bit."

I shrugged, "She's right."

"Which one?" Jade asked.

"Both of you," I smiled, confusing them.

"Whatever. Let's all hang out tomorrow night," Jade sighed.

Cat smiled, "Okay. But we can't invite Tori to come with us because she's—" Cat looked at me and covered her mouth. She stomped her foot out of anger.

"What's Tori doing?" I asked, curiously. I definitely didn't expect Cat's answer, despite it taking a long time.

"Nothing! I don't know! She told me not to tell you, Y/N," she pouted.

"Five!" Jade started counting in the scary way she does. Cat was begging her to stop, "Four! Three!"

"Oh, I love three."


"Did you hear about the new PearPad with a slightly better screen?"


"Okay, okay!" Cat caved, "Tori and Beck are going out together."

"WHAT!" I screamed. It wasn't really a question. I wasn't mad at Tori about what happened before but seriously? Is she trying to test her luck?

"But it's not a date. They're just hanging out as friends," Cat tried to explain. That's better, but I was still suspicious.

"Okay," Jade smiled, "Well, I know what the three of us are doing tomorrow night." Since the breakup, she had become one of my best friends. She knew what I was going through and The Scissoring was actually a really good movie.

"Going to see the big bone?" Cat asked, trying to change the subject.

Jade objected, "No. We're going to find out where Tori and Beck are going."

"And see whether they're just friends," I finished her sentence. As long as they are just friends, this should be good.

"I thought you said I could pick what we do," Cat frowned at Jade.

"Now I'm picking," Jade smiled at me before slamming her locker and starting to walk away.

"Bossy," Cat mumbled.

"WHAT?" Jade yelled.

Cat was quick to respond, "Nothing."

I walked over to my locker to grab my stuff but got pulled by my wrist into the janitor's closet. Seriously, why do people need to talk to me so often. Specifically the person that grabbed me, again.

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