Never Too Early To Fall In Love(Part One) I Logince

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Logan and Roman were opposites. Roman loved to socialize, he loved Disney, he loved to dress very regally, he had good grades but he didn't love school and he was the most popular kid in the tenth grade. Logan didn't socialize a whole bunch, he loved to listen to podcasts, he dressed quite simply, he absolutely loved school and he wasn't very popular which he liked.

Being the most popular kid in the tenth grade Roman had people around him constantly. You would never find him alone no matter how hard you tried. You could find Logan alone most of the time reading a book or doing homework.

Logan had never interacted with Roman and he didn't plan to any time soon. He thought Roman would push him aside because he isn't that popular. Whenever Roman had plans to meet up with friends, Logan was usually in the area. Little did he know Roman had actually noticed Logan and started to meet up at the places Logan usually is so he could get a quick look at the quiet student. Even though he gives off a brave vibe he's never had the courage to go up to Logan and introduce himself.

Well... not until today.

Roman's friends had found out that Roman wanted to go up to Logan so they decided to back out of their plans.

At Lunch Break~

Roman walked to the main corridors to meet up with his friends Virgil and Patton. When he arrived he saw Logan at the table pushed up against the wall. He was snapped out of his thoughts when his phone buzzed. He got a text from Patton

Patton: Hey Ro. Virge and I can't make it today
Roman: Why?
Patton: we have a project to work on
Roman: I can help!
Patton: Virge arrived! Go hang out with someone else
Roman: Who?!
Patton: IDK. look for someone in the room. good luck!

Roman sighed. He looked around the room and saw many people who he doesn't know. He finally decided to sit with Logan.

"May I sit here?"

Logan looked up from his University level astronomy work he was doing for fun. He didn't understand why Roman wanted to sit with Logan. To Logan, Roman was somebody while he was nobody.

"Yeah, sure"

Roman placed his backpack beside the table and sat down. They sat in uncomfortable silence while Logan continued on with his work. This went on for 10 minutes before Roman sighed. Logan looked up at Roman and gave him an eyebrow raise.

"What's your name?"
"Logan, Logan Sherman"
"Well, I'm Roman-"
"Roman Sanders"
"You know who I am?"
"Who doesn't? You usually have a crowd around you. Speaking of the topic, why are you alone today?"
"Friends bailed out on plans to go to Tim Horton's(A/N Where are my fellow Canadians at?)"
"Ah. Well it's good to have some alone time every once and a while"
"The only alone time I usually have is at home"
"Well no shit Sherlock"
"So what class do you have next?"
"Acting class. We're doing Guys and Dolls. What class do you have next Logan?"
"Is that what you're working on?"

Roman gave a confused look to Logan and Logan pushed the papers to Roman. When Roman saw how complicated it was he gasped.

"You okay Roman?"
"This?! You're working on- what grade level is this?!"
"University level. I love astronomy"
"Yeah I can tell"
"What's your favourite class?"
"Acting for sure"
"I should've known that"
"Do you have any plans tonight?"
"No, I don't"
"Would you maybe like to come over to my house and we could do something?"
"I uh"

Logan had no plans but he wasn't sure. Why is Roman all of a sudden asking Logan to come to his house? They've known each other for less than an hour.

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