Falling I Royality

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The fanart for this chapter is by the same artist who drew the fanart for Never Too Early To Fall In Love part two. I really like the artist

Patton has been in love with Roman as long as he could remember. The two of them met in kindergarten and they have been best friends ever since. They have gone to the same school together and they have been in the same class. For them they didn't care, all they cared about was they were together.

Everything was perfect until grade 9. They weren't in the same class. At first, they thought it was going to be okay but then the two of them drifted. To Patton, it hurt a lot because Roman was fawned over by all of the girls and some guys. Patton started to isolate himself from Roman because Roman wouldn't care.

"Gah I'm late!"

Patton started to run to class. He ran down the stairs and on the last step he tripped. Luckily he was caught by someone

"I'm so sorry!"

Patton looked up at and saw Roman. Patton pushed himself out of Roman's arms and jogged down the hallway.

"Hey, Patton! Can we maybe go out for lunch sometime?"

Patton kept walking down the hallway. Roman started to jog down the hallway but he was gone.

"damn it!"

Roman walked down to his class and sat down in his seat. A girl who he forgot the name of leaned over.

"You were late to class today Ro. Is everything okay?"
"Nothing is okay!"
"Would you like to talk about it?"
"Sure. My childhood friend is now avoiding me"

The teacher walked into class and Roman didn't pay attention. His thoughts were clouded with memories he made with Patton when they were young. When lunch rolled around Roman ran out of class and jogged in the direction Patton ran. When he made it he saw Patton coming out of class.


Patton looked at Roman and his face flooded with fear. He tried to run but Roman grabbed his arm before.

"Patton please"
"No! Just leave me alone"
"what happened? You stopped talking to me for no reason and you never tried to talk to me again. We've been best friends since kindergarten and you always will be my best friend. Why are you avoiding me?"
"Just let me go and leave me alone"
"You're not the Patton I used to know"

Roman felt a tear roll down his cheek. Patton felt tears form in his eyes. He wanted to spill his guts about his love for Roman but he knew that Roman was too popular for him. Patton ripped his arm from Roman's grip and ran to somewhere. Roman wanted to run after him and hug his best friend but he decided against it. Patton didn't want to talk to him and he had to respect that. Roman felt tears spill down his face. He ran to the bathroom and sat in a stall and cried.

when someone walked in he would stop crying but eventually couldn't hold himself together and when the next person walked in he couldn't stop.


Roman was surprised to hear his name. He stood up and opened the stall. He was met by Patton.

"Patton? I thought you didn't want to talk to me"
"I Uhm it's not that"
"You didn't want to talk to me, you made that very clear"
"Roman it's not that I didn't want to talk to you-"
"No, I get it. You don't want to be friends with me because you don't want me to embarrass you I get it-"

Roman jumps and looks at Patton.

"I-its not that I don't want to be friends with you but you were super distant and we drifted and I was afraid I would lose you, Roman. I don't want to lose you..."
"Then why run away from me?"
"I am scared to face you! You are so popular and I thought you were going to push me away and I would lose you"
"Patton why would I push you away from me. You are my best friend and always will be"

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