Skating I Prinxiety

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"Come on Virgil! Let's go skating!"

Virgil and Patton were currently on vacation in Canada, Toronto to be exact. Patton had family in Toronto and Virgil being his best friend decided to come along with him. He had never been to Canada so he was pretty excited. One thing he was excited about was the cold weather. In Canada, the temperatures could be usually as low as 5 degrees Fahrenheit(-15 Celsius) and on rare occasions, it could go down to -22 degrees Fahrenheit(-30 Celsius)!

"It's -10 degrees outside(A/N I will be using Celsius from now on unless I say Fahrenheit. It's just easier for me. Fun Fact: last December where I live it was colder than Antarctica one day. -43.6 Fahrenheit(-42 Celsius).) so put on a jacket!"

Virgil grabbed his jacket and put on a beanie. Patton put his jacket on and walked to Virgil.

"Let's go get out skates"

After they got their skates~
Virgil and Patton walked to a public skating rink. Patton was jumping up and down the entire way. When they got to the skating rink the two of them put their skates on. Before they got onto the ice someone walked up to them.

"Ah why hello you two"

Patton jumped and gave Logan a hug. The three of them were in the same grade 1 class and have been friends ever since. Virgil walked up to Logan and gave him a high five.

"So what brings you two here?"
"Well I have family here and Virgil decided to come along with me! How about you?"
"I come here every year. It's very beautiful"

Virgil chuckles and smiles.

"It's been like what a year since we last saw you, Lo! How was New Zealand"
"It was amazing. I went to Hobbiton in Matamata(A/N when I went to NZ I went to Hobbiton. It was amazing lol) and I went to the glowworm caves"
"Ooh!" Patton says with a smile on his face.
"Did you go to Cathedral Cove? Or Gemstone Bay?"
"Yes, I did Patton. Cathedral Cove was very nice"
"Now tell me you went to the hot water beach"
"Of course I did Patton. Now let's go skating"

Patton agreed and so did Virgil. Since Logan comes to Canada every year he is pretty familiar with skating. Patton not so much. He kept falling down and Logan kept helping him. After a while, Virgil got the hang of it and was a very good skater.

"Wow kiddo! You're amazing"
"Patton I've told you many times, call me Virgil."
"Oh yeah. Sorry!"
"It's fine"

Suddenly someone bumps into Virgil causing him to fall down. Virgil looks up to see a man in a red jacket holding his hand out.

"I'm so sorry"
"It's fine"

Virgil took his hand and the man in red helped him up.

"My name is Roman"
"Hi, Roman. I'm Virgil"
"That's a splendid name"
"Yours is also nice"
"I'm sorry for bumping into you"
"It's fine"

The man who now has a name, Roman scratches the back of his neck.

"I would like to make it up to you. Would you like to go get coffee later?"
"Well I'm actually with a group of friends so could they come?"
"Of course they can! I'm here with my twin brother Remus so he will also come along"

Suddenly Patton comes up behind Virgil and tackles him with a hug. Logan skates up behind him and does a sideways stop, making snow fly onto Virgil and Patton(A/N I used to play hockey so I'm familiar with stops and whatnot).

"So Roman this is Patton and Logan."
"Salutations Roman"
"Hiya Roman!"

Roman chuckles and smiles.

"Well hello, you guys. I have invited Virgil out to go get coffee to say sorry for bumping into him"
"Ooh! My kiddo has a date"
"I didn't mean for it to be a date. You two can also come along"

Logan nods and Patton finally lets go of Virgil causing him to fall down. Virgil laughs and Helps him up. Deciding that it's time to go Virgil makes his way off the ice with Patton, Logan and Roman. Everyone takes off their skates and pack up.

"I will go get Remus. Meet me at the Tim Hortons down the street"
"Sounds good. See you in a bit"
"See ya Virgil"

Roman walks away to go find Remus. Logan gets the location of Tim Horton's on his phone and the three were off to go get their coffee.

When Roman and Remus arrive at the Tim Hortons~
Roman walks in with his twin Remus. He scans the café for a sight of Virgil and his friends. When Roman sees Virgil in the corner of the café with Logan and Patton he relaxes and confidently walks up to them.

"So you didn't bail on the plans"
"No, we didn't"
"This is my twin, Remus. He is younger than me by 5 minutes and Remus that is Virgil, Patton and Logan"

Remus waves and sits down next to Logan forcing Roman to sit beside Virgil. When Roman sits down Virgil starts to blush. For some reason, Virgil has gained a little crush for Roman even though they just met. To Virgil, he was insanely handsome and his voice was like a prince pulled straight out of a Disney film. He didn't realize he was staring at Roman until he chuckled.

"What are you staring at?"
"Uhm nothing"

Virgil looks away. Roman once again chuckles and takes Virgil's hand in his. This just makes Virgil's face got redder. He looked back to see Roman smiling.

"Anyways we should go ahead and order. I will take everyone's order"

Logan takes everyone's orders and goes to the coffee stand. When Logan is gone Remus starts to talk about how Roman loves to watch Disney movies and Roman blushed. When Logan came back he gave Patton his hot chocolate, Remus his double-double, Roman his iced coffee(even though its winter) and Virgil his dark roast. Virgil scooted closer to their shoulders were touching. Roman let go of Virgil's hand and wrapped his arm around Virgil's waist.

While the group talked amongst themselves Roman and Virgil sat in silence. About 30 minutes in Roman sighs.

"Hey Virgil, can you come with me for a second?"
"Yeah sure"

Roman takes his arm off Virgil's waist and stands up. The two of them walk outside and go behind Tim's.

"So what's up-"

Virgil was cut off by a pair of incredibly soft lips against his. The kiss was soft and very sweet. When Roman processed what he just did he pulled away.

"I'm so sorry!"
"It's- it's fine Roman. I didn't mind it"
"But I just met you today and I already kissed you. I'm so-"

Now it was Roman's turn to be cut off by a pair of lips against his. To Virgil, he didn't mind Roman kissing him. When their lungs begged for air the two parted their lips from each other. Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman's neck while Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist.

"Maybe you bumping into me wasn't that bad..."

A/N two chapters in one day?! I actually love the plot of this chapter. I don't love the way I wrote it but I don't hate it either


Word count: 1238

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Word count: 1238

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