Never Be Alone I Prinxiety

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This chapter is based on Shawn Mendes' song Never Be Alone. Listen to it since it's a great song.

He's leaving again...
Virgil sat back down on his bed and cried into his pillow. Trying not to remember the events that happened earlier.

Earlier that day...
"Virgil! Come here" Roman yelled. Virgil came out of his room and went downstairs to see Roman. Recently he's been having to travel quite a bit recently. When Virgil got downstairs he could tell something was up.

"What's up, Roman?"
"I don't want to hurt you but I need to go on another trip but this is trip is longer..."
"Of fucking course," Virgil said trying to hold his tears back.

Roman was upset he had been chosen to help the military once again. He knew how much Virgil hated it when he left.

"How long will you be gone for?"
"A month..."
"What the hell are you doing?!"
"The military asked me to help them"

Virgil gasped. The last time he helped the military-

"You almost died last time! What is wrong with you?!" Virgil started to cry.
"Virgil... I need to go"
"Do you know what you put me through last time?!"
"Yes I do and it was a mistake!"
"Then why do it again?!"

But Virgil was already gone. He ran to his room and cried for what felt like hours.


Virgil got off his bed and opened the door. He saw Roman with red puffy eyes. He wrapped Virgil in a hug. Virgil melted into his embrace, taking it all in because it may be the last hug for a long time. Roman picked Virgil up bridal style and sat down on his bed, cradling him.

Virgil cried into his chest and Roman felt horrible. He tightened his grip around Virgil some more. Virgil was crying heavily now. Roman put his head on top of Virgil's.

"I promise that one day I'll be around, I'll keep you safe, I'll keep you sound" Roman sang softly into Virgil's ear.
"Right now it's pretty crazy and I don't know how to stop or slow it down. Hey, I know there are somethings we need to talk about. And I can't stay so let me hold you for a little longer now" Virgil's breathing slowed down but was more staggered.

"Take a piece of my heart and make it all your own so when we are apart you'll never be alone. You'll never be alone"

Virgil stopped crying but was breathing heavily. Roman continued to sing and when he finished Virgil looked at him.

"That was amazing. Thank you"
"I love you, Virgil"
"I love you too Roman..."

Roman stood up and hugged Virgil.

"I need to go now. I'm sorry"
Roman walked out of the room leaving Virgil who was trying to keep himself together. He heard the door open and close and he was really gone.

He was really gone...

While Roman was gone Virgil couldn't take the pain anymore. He got off his bed for the first time in a week and went to the kitchen. He ate a banana but that wasn't the reason he went downstairs.

He grabbed a multi-tool and went back upstairs. He took off his hoodie and rolled his sleeves up. Virgil opened the knife and took a deep breath.

He pressed the knife into his skin and sliced it. Blood poured out of the wound, dripping onto his black jeans. He brought the knife up to his forearm and sliced. After that cut he went to the bathroom. When he got there he looked at the faint scars from years ago.

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